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Metal Gear Universe

Awaiting Claim

Peace Walker Incident

General Info

Peace Walker Incident logo
Event NamePeace Walker Incident
The Peace Walker Incident in 1974 radically changed the trajectory of the Metal Gear universe. After leaving the FOX unit, the charismatic but tragic hero Big Boss, or Snake, created his own company of mercenaries: Militaires Sans Frontières. Alarming information about a possible nuclear threat in Central America plunged them into a maze of intrigue, deception and advanced weaponry. A machine of unseen destructive power called the Peacewalker nearly caused a nuclear war, controlled by Cipher, an enigmatic organization seeking to overcome the chaos of the Cold War. The emotional story explores themes of loyalty, the futility of war, and the inhumanity of nuclear deterrence.



Metal Gear universe is a richly detailed and complex world created by Hideo Kojima, a famous game developer. This universe is home to the Metal Gear series, a series of stealth action video games that focus on themes such as nuclear proliferation, genetic engineering, politics, and espionage. The series introduces us to many unforgettable characters such as Solid Snake, Big Boss and Ocelot among others.

In Metal Gear games, players delve into complex stories involving government conspiracies, covert operations, and military projects that threaten the world. The saga is known for its complex plots with many twists and difficult themes.

In addition to a deep narrative, the Metal Gear series also features innovative gameplay that perfectly blends action, stealth, and tactical elements. He greatly influenced the stealth game genre and his legacy continues to reverberate throughout the gaming industry.