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Metal Gear Universe

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General Info

Cipher logo
Faction NameCipher
The Cipher is better known as the Patriots in the Metal Gear universe, a secret organization that manipulates world affairs behind the scenes to maintain stability and order. Founded by series protagonist Major Zero, Cipher is commendably nimble and uses various proxies and artificial intelligence systems to achieve its goals. Throughout the series, the Cipher plays a dominant role, imposing its will on the world and commanding the military and economic landscape. The power and influence of the organization is so widespread throughout the world that it is almost impossible for any entity to escape its grip. Despite his seemingly ruthless methods, at first Cipher only sought to create a world free from the ravages of war. Throughout the series, the group's actions differed greatly, leading to several conflicts arising from the dark shadows of their interference.


The Cipher faction, also known as the Patriots, is a core element of the vast and complex Metal Gear universe. It is a mysterious and powerful organization that operates behind the scenes throughout the series. Born out of a dream to unite the world, Cipher embodies Metal Gear's core themes of control, manipulation, and the blurred lines of good and evil.
Despite its commitment to global unification, the organization is primarily an opposing force to the protagonist. Founded by Major Zero, a member of the Patriots, Cipher quietly influences world events, governments, and even private military companies with one unwavering goal: to implement a preconceived interpretation of the Boss's will, the main series. At the core of Cipher's ideology is their belief in information control. They try to rule the world not only by regulating military power or economic resources, but also by controlling the information that people receive. This study makes them huge because they incorporate the perception of the world into their story. With a network of agents and collaborators, their reach extends into global power structures.
In the Metal Gear universe, Cipher is not just an organization, but a representation of a dystopian reality where anyone can be a puppet manipulated by unseen masters. Despite their oppressive and Machiavellian methods, Cipher's ideology questions the nature and price of peace, making them a complex and challenging force in the canon.


Originally known as La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo, The Cipher has a mysterious yet integral setting in the Metal Gear universe. Formally established in the late 1970s, Cipher traces its origins to The Philosophers, a shadowy organization of the world's most powerful individuals. But the real beginning began much earlier with Major Zero, a veteran agent who envisioned a world ruled by the shadows.
Conceived by Major Zero, the cipher sought to control the global social and political landscape through information dissemination. They created the "context" for the masses, dictating social norms, cultural ethos and public opinion. Their control over metanarratives was so profound that they could shape entire conflicts and their perceived consequences.
In its early years, the Cipher group operated in total secrecy. They have infiltrated all spheres of power: the military, business conglomerates, even governments, ensuring that their tentacles are deeply rooted in global decision-making. Zero's vision of world order was slowly taking shape, a vision in which his organization had the final say.
A special feature of the cipher was the use of high-tech unmanned weapons. These next generation drives were unique improvements from the best of Cipher's scientific workforce. With a high degree of autonomy, these machines were effective means of securing the obscene purposes of the cipher while providing reliable deniability.
Cipher's influence grew exponentially, orchestrating important events that shaped world history. However, internal conflicts and ideological schisms threaten their unity. The changing power dynamic within Cipher and the arrival of Big Boss in Outer Heaven would set the stage for the conflict that ensued in the Metal Gear story. The legacy of this organization would continue to have a major impact on the Metal Gear universe, influencing the formation of the Patriots, a manifestation of Zero's original vision, albeit a slightly corrupted one. However, the subtle and insidious presence of the cipher would continue to influence the world from behind the scenes, a testament to Major Zero's indomitable will and his plan for a new world order.

Notable Members

Member #
Major Zero
Skull Face
Dr. Strangelove
Paz Ortega Andrade
Dr. Clark
Kazuhira Miller


The Cipher faction operated on a global scale, but its main activities were concentrated in a few hotspots important for their geopolitical implications in the Metal Gear universe. The main regions where Cipher's operations have taken place are the United States, Russia, Central America, the Middle East and Africa.
In the United States, Cipher was active in the intelligence community. Their influence was reflected in projects such as Les Enfants Terribles, which were created at a workshop in New York. At the height of the Cold War, Cipher was also active in Russia and Central America, taking advantage of the political turmoil for its operations. The Middle East, with its volatile political landscape, was fertile ground for Cipher. The faction was active in Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan War, seizing control of natural resources and fueling the conflict.
In Africa, Cipher used the impenetrable jungle as cover for his brutal activities. African operations focused mainly on the exploitation of child soldiers and diamond mines, the most famous of which was the establishment of a remote fortress known as "Outer Sky".
Despite its vast geographic reach, Cipher has always maintained a cloak of darkness. The faction was elusive, operating beneath the surface of world politics and always hiding its true intentions.

Legacy and Impact

The Cipher Organization's legacy and impact on the Metal Gear universe is vast and undeniable. Led by the elusive Zero, this secretive group sends a chilling message about surveillance society that is as relevant today as it was when it debuted. The goal was a unified world that transcended political boundaries, but at a terrifying price: absolute information control and personal freedom. This quest has fueled the story of several games, bringing heroes like Big Boss and Solid Snake into conflict and reflecting the complex, often morally gray world of international espionage. The slate's existence also raises important questions about the power of manipulation and the erosion of individual privacy. So despite Cipher being the antagonist, their impact goes beyond their in-game role, deeply echoing real-world conversations about surveillance and privacy.