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The Philosophers

General Info

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Faction NameThe Philosophers
Philosophers are an example of a dark force in the Metal Gear universe. It is an enigmatic group formed after the First World War by the political elites of the United States, the Soviet Union, and China. Invisible but influential, the Philosophers manipulate world events to their own ends, regaining control of the wealth they have amassed from the profits of war. They play a central role in shaping the social and political landscapes and covert operations throughout the series. Ironically, they are victims of their own circular power struggle, fraught with internal strife and betrayal. The Philosophers' Legacy, a vast fortune amassed for its cause, becomes a point of contention, unleashing machinations that reverberate throughout the world of Metal Gear. This is a testament to the ancient saying: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."


The Philosophers are a mysterious force that pervades the Metal Gear universe, revealed through a complex chronology. They are a secret cabal of power brokers from America, the Soviet Union, and China who, until they finally disbanded, conspired to manipulate world politics and amassed vast resources for war. Their influence was so great that it caused many important world events, from wars to politics.
The coalition was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, and its cornerstone was the mutual ideology of preserving power. Using their powerful influence, they amassed a vast cache known as the Philosopher's Legacy. This reflects their financial power, consisting of money and material resources, which earned them wealth sufficient for a large-scale war.
However, as the decades passed, conflicts began between them. The unity of the philosophers began to disintegrate, so they gradually fell. Many of the main figures in the Metal Gear stories, such as Big Boss or Revolver Ocelot, were the most affected by the philosopher's power games, unwittingly becoming tools of the hidden hands of a dark organization. From behind the scenes, they determined the fate of the entire Metal Gear world. Philosophers continue to wear the mantle of darkness as their actions ripple through the tapestry of the Metal Gear universe, shaping its course.


The Philosophers were an elusive group that greatly influenced the course of world events in the Metal Gear universe. At the beginning of the 20th century, their ranks were filled by powerful figures from the United States, the Soviet Union, and China. The common goal of these three world powers was to shape global politics and maintain balance through subversive means.
In the turmoil of World War I, philosophers realized that the key to influence lay in the control of financial resources. To this end, they amassed a vast treasure trove of wealth known as the Philosophers' Legacy. But with the sudden death of their leader, their unit was lost. The Philosophers' control of the legacy led to internal rivalries that ultimately led to their disintegration.
After World War II, their influence declined as they became embroiled in bureaucratic infighting and power struggles. A key player to emerge from this chaos was Volgin, a GRU colonel who used the Philosophers' legacy to finance military projects, shifting the balance of power.
As the Cold War intensified, Philosophers' agents known as "Cobras" were sent on various covert operations. Their crowning achievement was the creation of the Metal Gears, bipedal nuclear tanks designed to keep up with the approaching Philosophers' superiority.
The philosophers' last known action was the creation of Patriots, a network-based artificial intelligence system designed to influence social thought. But the patriots broke away from their creators, developed their own agenda, and eventually replaced the philosophers.
The philosophers' quest for supremacy ultimately led to an escalation of global tensions caused by their military-industrial complexes. However, their legacy lives on in the form of the patriots and their work, continuing to shape world events long after they are gone. As such, their story is a stark reminder of the political turmoil and dodgy dealings that characterize the Metal Gear universe.

Notable Members

Member #
The Boss
Colonel Volgin
Hot Coldman
John Von Neumann
Lyndon B. Johnson
Nikita Khrushchev
The Sorrow
Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
Zero (Cipher)


The Philosophers, a shadowy, secretive organization in the Metal Gear universe, have unprecedented influence around the world. Originally composed of powerful figures in the United States, Russia, and China, they have amassed wealth and knowledge that has shaped the fortunes of many nations.
Their geography is not limited to one place. Given the origins of the Philosophers, the United States and Russia are primarily their base of operations. However, their affiliates and members are spread around the world and carry out clandestine activities, including research projects and resource management. The USA, where philosophers have great power, has become the birthplace of projects like Les Enfants Terribles. This project was a cornerstone of the philosophers' influence on world affairs, demonstrating that their geographic reach was unparalleled.
In Russia, under the umbrella of the philosophers, an important faction was formed - the Cobra unit. From this geography, they influenced the course of World War II. Philosophers reached China further. Despite government efforts to oust them, they have remained influential in China's political system. In general, philosophers are spread throughout the world like a complex spider's web, influencing events from the shadows. Their scattered existence makes the world's geography their playground, shaping economics, politics, and war to their sinister will.

Legacy and Impact

Throughout the Metal Gear series, the Philosophers have undoubtedly left a powerful legacy, their influence spilling over into world politics and pushing power dynamics into the shadows. Their vast wealth and numerous members from China, the United States, and the Soviet Union gave them the means to covertly manipulate world events, instigate wars, and shape major figures in history. The Philosopher's Legacy they created, a vast treasury used to fund military research, further enhances their fundamental impact. In addition, their decisions set off a series of events, including the birth of characters like Ocelot and Boss, who would eventually become the stars of the series. The Philosophers ceased to exist as a faction, but their cunning machinations lived on through their successors, the Patriots. It could be argued that the entire course of the Metal Gear timeline was ultimately driven by this shadowy group, underscoring the massive and unseen impact far beyond their corporate years.