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Big Shell

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Location NameBig Shell
The engineering marvel of the Metal Gear universe, The Big Shell refers to a seemingly innocuous treatment plant in New York Harbor. Built under the explosion alias the Shadow Moses Incident, it serves a secret purpose. Its powerful feature in the new Metal Gear crafting system cannot be understated. Designed to look like a row of pillars connected by bridges, it's an enigmatic maze of immense power. It consists of two hexagonal cores (shell 1 and 2), each with its own unique structures and defense mechanisms. From threat-killing drones to waterproof surveillance cameras, Shell has stepped up to ensure the safe development and testing of the next generation of nuclear bipedal tanks. Outside of the outer functionality, Big Shell impressively maintains the delicate balance of power, technology, mystery, and strategy in the complex world of Metal Gear.


A major part of the Metal Gear universe, The Big Shell is an offshore refinery that disguises a secret underwater base. Based on the Hudson River, she was tasked with cleaning up a major oil spill caused by a terrorist attack on the tanker Discovery.
But the truth about Big Shell is much more sinister. Underneath the clean facade, the structure houses the Arsenal Gear, a massive underwater mobile fortress that carries an army of AI-powered Metal Gear RAY blocks. Its main function is information control, internet data research and censorship in order to control the perception of the population. The structure of the Big Shell resembles two hexagons connected by a long "rectangular strut". It is made of "struts", each named with an alphanumeric code (A-H and 1-2). Each rack has a different function: one is used as a decontamination area, another as staff living quarters, and a special one for inmates.
Big Shell is known for his role in the Sons of Liberty incident where he was kidnapped by the Dead Cell terrorist group, leading to an intense conflict involving Solid Snake and Raiden. Despite its guise of industrial functionality, the Big Shell holds many deadly secrets that add significantly to the complex tapestry of the Metal Gear universe.


The Big Shell, a marine decontamination facility, is one of the most impressive and mysterious locations in the Metal Gear universe. Built after the tanker disaster, its primary purpose was to clean Manhattan Bay of oil spilled from the sinking USS Discovery.
The Big Shell is deceptively designed as a front for the massive Arsenal Gear submarine. This camouflage not only kept the "S3 Plan" secret, but also served as a cover to the world, representing a dedicated clean-up effort.
Ironically, despite its innocent public image, Big Shell has been mired in controversy and conspiracy. Its complex plan, consisting of two hexagonal enclosures composed of support platforms connected by bridges, was an arena for sinister covert operations. It was here that Solid Snake and his new ally Raiden began to figure out how the Patriots worked, making the lighting of the Big Shell a staple of the series.
Additionally, the Big Shell was the breeding ground for Dead Cell members and their rebellion during the Big Shell incident. Horror and confusion engulfed Fatman's explosives, shattering the peace and heightening tensions.
From a broader perspective, the Big Shell's inception, chaos, and eventual destruction symbolize the machinations of war and the great effort to hide the truth from the public. It features a brilliantly deceptive display designed to dazzle the masses as the puppeteers stage their act behind a secret backdrop.
Overall, Big Shell is an important capsule of Metal Gear universe history, unexpected revelations, and deep symbolism. Despite its bleak reality and untold secrets, it continues to enthrall its fan base with its intricate storyline and unparalleled storytelling.


The Big Shell, a massive refinery in the open sea, is an iconic location in the Metal Gear universe. After the 2007 an oil tanker is sunk by an ecoterrorist group, it was built in the Hudson River to stop the spill, but its true purpose is far more sinister; it's the front of Arsenal Gear, a mobile underwater fortress designed to perpetuate the Patriots' control of the digital stream of information.
The Big Shell is not just one large structure, but two hexagonal shells containing several pillars connected by bridges. Each strut has a specific purpose, from the CD connecting bridge to the Shell 1 Core, each with its own unique environmental hazards and strategic complexities.
In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, the Big Shell is an unsettling yet compelling setting that reflects the series' themes of duality, memory, and the nature of reality. Protagonists Raiden and Solid Snake traverse the maze to face enemies, defuse bombs, and uncover the true purpose of the structure.
But the Big Shell is not only the setting of the game's story, but also shapes the gameplay. The layout requires strategic planning and stealth, highlighting the Metal Gear series' unique blend of action and strategy, forcing players to think critically about their surroundings.
The Big Shell continues to resonate with fans long after its first release, cementing its status as an unforgettable place in video game history. It's a testament to the Metal Gear universe's dedication to deep storytelling, strategic gameplay, and intricate, layered world-building.