Mortal Kombat is a worldwide phenomenon, a series of fighting games known for high levels of graphic violence, captivating storylines and diverse characters. It was first released by Chicago studio Midway Games in 1992. The series is known for its dark and gritty universe where each character has their own unique skills and stories. The universe mostly takes place in fictional realms such as Earthrealm, Netherrealm, Outworld, and many others, each with its own unique aesthetic.
The premise of the series is primarily a Mortal Kombat tournament held every generation between the champions of these realms, essentially a martial arts death match with the future of the realms hanging in the balance.
Mortal Kombat's cast of characters spans centuries, making each one truly unique. The game has been praised for its creativity in fatality, cinematic finishing moves that often result in gruesome and violent deaths for the losing character.
To say the least, the Mortal Kombat series is a solid cornerstone of the fighting game genre in the gaming industry.