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Azorius Senate

General Info

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Faction NameAzorius Senate
The Azorean Senate is one of ten guilds on the plains of Ravnica. Bearers of white and blue mana, their function is to interpret, execute, and enforce the legion of laws of Ravnica. Avoiding chaos and fighting in Ravnica, the Wizards of Azor maintain order through their vast legal hierarchy, enchanted restrictions, and skilled police chiefs. The Azor see themselves as guardians of the social fabric and basic structure, impartially administering justice to maintain peace and order. They are often seen as rigid and hierarchical, but their strict adherence to the law is ultimately driven by a fundamental belief in order and justice. Their architecture embodies their priorities of order, hierarchy and symmetry, with every aspect and detail strictly controlled. Despite its strict reputation, the Azorian Senate is the backbone of order in the sprawling urban area of ​​Ravnica.


The Azorius Senate is one of the ten Ravnica guilds in the Magic: The Gathering universe. It is a legislative and judicial body known for its strict commitment to order, security and bureaucracy. Azores is a world of absolutes; there is a rule for everything and everything has its place.

The members of the Azorean Senate are organized into concentric circles centered around the most powerful individuals, much like the hierarchy of the human justice system. Most of the members are judges, lawyers, clerks and law enforcement officers. Dragons, sphinxes, and ghosts are also among the creatures found in this guild. They believe in the stability of law and order to maintain peace in the city world of Ravnica.

Their primary colors are white associated with law and order and blue associated with logic and technology, which fits perfectly with their philosophy. They use their magical abilities to control, restrain, coerce or manipulate others. Immobile and menacing, the Azorean Guild becomes an impregnable fortress that resists the temptations of chaos and anarchy. Some see them as indispensable peacekeepers, others as uncompromising hardliners who impede progress with their useless bureaucracy. Despite criticism, the Azorian Senate perseveres and ensures the integrity of Ravnik's judicial system, maintaining law and order in the city's landscape.


The Azorian Senate, one of Ravnica's ten guilds, embodies the spirit of regulation, law, bureaucracy, structure, and order in the magically diverse world of MTG. The Azorean Senate legislates and legislates and is vital to maintaining peace and order in this chaotic metropolis.

The Senate was created after the original Guild Pact was signed, a law designed to end conflict and ensure the cooperation of the signatories. For thousands of years, they have struggled to maintain order and justice in Ravnica despite many challenges. As the Azores' brutal inflexibility and strict laws often clashed with the beliefs and practices of the other guilds, they faced constant opposition, causing many disagreements and sometimes even conflicts. But the Azores certainly helped shape the world as we see it. From Chief Arbiter Leo II's martial law culminating in the 10,000 Year Celebration to the rise of Sphinx Isperia as Guild Leader, taking an uncompromising stance and instigating clashes with other guilds, the guild's influence remains significant.

The rule of the pragmatic and visionary Dovin Baan brought revolutionary changes in the history of the guild - security guards brought order and security to the city. However, his loyalty to Nicolás Bolas led to his downfall and left the Senate in ruins.

However, the guild remains intact. As a beacon of order and stability, the Azorian Senate, against all odds, continues its unrelenting quest to maintain law and order in Ravnica and guide the city's plan along a path of progress and unity under the rule of law. This is the essence of the Azorean Senate that Ravnica is forming to ensure a society that all can embody and respect, a home for all under one rule of common law.

Notable Members

Member #
Dovin Baan
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Hussar Patrol
Azor, the Lawbringer
Teysa Karlov
Sphinx of the Final Word
Nimbus Council


The Azorian Senate is carefully designed and has a grandeur that reflects the authoritarian power in the MTG universe. Housed in Ravnica, a cityscape that spans the entire plane, the government of the Senate is palpable in the vast and imposing structures it governs.

At the heart of Ravnica is New Prava, home of the Azor guild. Spread over six districts, it is a huge complex full of courtrooms, cells and offices. Hanging bridges connect these buildings to each other, creating a maze that only guild members can easily navigate. Floating above the guild hall, a web of magical laws called the Stag Pillar forms a symbol of Azorian power, visible from anywhere in the city. The radiant light of The Jelenn Column bathes New Prahva in an eternal glow, emphasizing the rigor and order of ruling the Azores.

The Azores areas are known for their pristine, sterile environment; structure and cleanliness prevail over everything else. The buildings display a neoclassical style with impressive columns and domes, mostly painted in shades of blue and white, reflecting the colors of the guild. Access to Azores territories is strictly controlled, with heavily guarded checkpoints at each border. Known for its heavy bureaucracy, the Azores landscape is dotted with administrative buildings and courts. Relentless urban planning manifests itself in a neat, symmetrical and confusingly complex layout for non-members.
While the rest of Ravnica may be chaotic and teeming with life, the Azores remain islands of constant calm in an increasingly turbulent sea. This rather eerie geography further reinforces the isolationist attitude of the Azores and their desire for order and control.

Legacy and Impact

The Azorian Senate embodies the law and order of the regiment in the world of magic: the gathering. His undoubted legacy lies in his commitment to strict laws and scrupulous governance, which play a vital role in maintaining the balance of Ravnik society. The impact on gameplay is just as significant as control units have been developed and played over the years. With a rich set of card mechanics and playstyle, Azorius Senate provides players with a unique strategic asset that can significantly shape the course and outcome of a game. Azorius may seem restrictive with its rules and structure, but it actually opens up a lot of possibilities for players looking to dominate the board with calculated precision and unyielding control. The complexity of their design and the subtlety of their power require deep understanding and thoughtful play, leaving an indelible mark on the rich competitive landscape of MTG.