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Gruul Clans

General Info

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Faction NameGruul Clans
Gruul clans embody wild, savage fury. This faction of the MTG universe is a fierce nomadic society that values ​​strength above all else. They reject civilization and appreciate the ruthless and primitive aspects of nature. The Gruul clans are home to many monstrous beasts and creatures that intertwine and worship their presence in everyday life as symbols of brute force. Anyone who longs for freedom from coercion, the wild and frenzied thrill of chaos, and the undisguised reign of power will feel right at home in the Gruul clans. Gruuli are not ruled by hierarchy or systematic order, but by confrontation and the law of the jungle: the strongest prevails and the strongest survives.


Hailing from the plains of Ravnica, the Gruul Clan faction is a fierce and brutal group known for their unpredictability and brute force. Built around the basic premise of survival of the fittest, they reject civilization and foster a wild, primal environment that often clashes with the more structured guilds of Ravnica.

Gruul's ethos is based on respect for force and hostility to those who seek to impose order or control. Hierarchies are practically non-existent, and leadership is taken through a show of force. The guild is divided into several clans, each of which is headed by a leader, the strongest of them. Known for their wild rhythms and destructive spells, Gruuls are feared and often misunderstood by others. Their closeness and respect for nature, combined with their primal rage, fosters a sense of freedom that the rest of Ravnica do not realize. But Gruuls are more than mindless destroyers. Refusing to submit to the constraints of society, they embody the wild and raw spirit of life itself, wild and unstoppable.

Gruul clans are not for the faint of heart. It offers a unique play style characterized by explosive play and relentless aggression, the epitome of chaos, a storm that sweeps away everything in its path. Accept the call of the wild and immerse yourself in the wild and exciting world of the Gruul clans. Like the thunder of thunder, they are impossible to ignore.


The Clans of Gruul, one of the ten guilds of Ravnica, occupy a unique place in the world of Magic: The Gathering. Originally intended as guardians of nature, their purpose was to protect and preserve the wild and unspoiled areas of Ravnica. However, with the relentless expansion of civilization and continued urbanization, the guild slowly began to resent and rebel against the endless expansion of the city.

Gruul clans have evolved over time from guardians of nature to anarchic beings. This reluctance is in their nature and outweighs their disdain for city life. Each clan fights the others for territory under the indifferent gaze of their great leader, Borborigm. Such power struggles only reinforce their position as a guild of chaos and brutality within the system.
These fierce warriors and shamans pride themselves on their raw, primal power, drawing strength from the earth itself. Their magic is deeply rooted in the unpredictable forces of nature, capable of both seismic shocks and violent storms.

Often the victims of a bad reputation, the Gruul clans are easily dismissed as cruel and savage. But amidst the chaos is a sense of freedom that no other guild offers, a freedom from the rules and structures of civilization. This freedom, combined with their immense brute strength, makes them a force to be reckoned with, a wild spirit that is difficult to predict and control.

Their iconic symbol, the dragon claw, perfectly sums up the Gruul clans: fierce, wild and unrelenting. They are a reminder to the rest of Ravnica that the natural world is not easily dismissed and will retaliate if continually provoked. Although their methods are primitive rather than advanced, no one can doubt the true power of the Gruul clans: the unshakable, majestic wrath of nature itself.

Notable Members

Member #
Domri Rade
Nikya of the Old Ways
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
Zurta Goblin


The Gruul clans live in a pristine wilderness known as the Ruin Belt, arguably the most anarchic region on the plains of Ravnica. Scattered among a chaotic maze of ruins, uncultivated forests, and rubble-strewn wastelands, the Gruuls occupy a space where civilization once thrived but no longer survives. This turbulent terrain usually opposes the development of Ravnica's guild city, leaving the area in constant strife and destruction.

Rubblebelt's main feature is Skarrg, the Reunion Turf, which is the meeting place for all Gruul clans. Immersed in the wilderness, it is the beating heart of Gruul's identity. Here the Gruuls gather to celebrate their wild festivals, display their valor, commemorate battles and honor the gods of ancient customs.

The Grulu's environment greatly influences their way of life and reinforces their perception of the world as an ever-changing, merciless battlefield. This shapes their disdain for city life, fierce independence and primal rituals. As a result, the constant shifting of their territory fuels a deep resentment against the forces that try to tame the wilderness they passionately protect.

Legacy and Impact

The Gruul clans of the MTG universe have left an irreplaceable legacy and impact. Known as the epitome of raw, unfiltered power, their very existence challenges structured society. Their disdain for civilization and relentless pursuit of freedom resonates with many players who love the wild side of life. The introduction of this faction has unleashed a wave of decks that embrace chaos with cataclysmic strategies and large creatures. Many beginners have learned not only the fun of throwing giant creatures, but also the depth of tactical resource management thanks to Gruul. Their playstyle is often described as a breath of fresh air amongst more control-oriented strategies. Gruuls, with their ferocious energy, have greatly contributed to making MTG an enticingly diverse battlefield. The wild resilience and fury they portray underscores an important message: brute force can find its way even between order and structure, leaving an indelible mark on the MTG universe.