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Orzhov Syndicate

General Info

Orzhov Syndicate logo
Faction NameOrzhov Syndicate
The Orzhov Syndicate is a black and white guild of the plane and city of Ravnica. They are structured as a religious hierarchy combined with a corporate structure. Known as the Church of Business, it is the most dominant religion in Ravnica. This guild is driven by wealth, power and ambition. Under the guise of mercy and charity, they operate ruthlessly, forcing the inhabitants of Ravnik to pay their debts and using their considerable influence to exert control. They believe in hierarchy and order, but not in a moral sense. The guild is ruled by the Obzedat, a council of spectacle autocrats who have maintained their wealth and power even while cheating death. Their main operating principle is the belief that wealth is the truest expression of power, and they pursue it with unparalleled determination.


Orzhov's syndicate represents the fusion of business and faith, wealth and debtors' prisons, brutal clerics and ruthless giant gargoyles. They act as Ravnica's financial institution, with their subtle schemes and machinations deeply infiltrating every guild and every aspect of daily life in the world. Their wealth and prosperity is a facade that hides a sinister underbelly of extortion, excommunication and witchcraft.

Not only are they ruthless in their pursuit of wealth and power, but they also control the minds of those who, even in death, cannot shake off material attachments. The union uses the ghosts of those who lived heavily in debt or owed favors to carry out their ministry in life and beyond. In the unstable power structure of Ravnica, they represent order, strict hierarchy, and a firm hand to those who oppose them.

However, Orzhov's union is far from predictable. Their priests are corrupt, their leaders are ghosts, and their giant, towering cathedral pews are riddled with secret catacombs. Every fine piece of gold has a dark and ghostly prize. They represent both the beauty and excess of consumerism and the suffering and guilt of spiritual faith. To get too involved in their activities is to risk life, wealth and soul. No wonder they are called the "Church of Transactions".


The Orzhov Syndicate, a guild in the Ravnica region, represents a synthesis of law, finance, and structural hierarchy. Their symbol, a balance weighing precious coins and a feather, aptly suggests that they seek wealth and power in a spiritual sense.

The Orzhov Syndicate, made up of commercial and religious orders, has been steeped in tradition since ancient times. They operated on the principle that wealth equals power and power equals power. This belief system not only kept them with the wealthy elite, but also allowed them to control Ravnica's class system, increasing their power through a chain of debt and favor. Every little act of kindness, service or help from Oržov has its price. People who find themselves in difficult circumstances often turn to Orzhov's banks for help, but end up paying many spiritual debts until the end of their lives and often beyond.

The Orzhov are ruled by Obzedat, also known as the Ghost Council, a group of ancient and powerful spirits. These spirits were once the patriarchs and matriarchs of the families that founded the Syndicate, who were able to avoid true death due to their spiritual wealth. Their ability to appear and disappear unpredictably further helps maintain an intimidating aura and control over the guild. Over time, Orzhov's syndicate became an insidious mixture of religion and the mafia, using faith as a cover for its nefarious activities. To maintain order and collect debts, they employ various law enforcement agencies, often in the form of strong threats.

Despite the oppressive nature of the alliance, many Ravnikians willingly cling to Orzhov, dazzled by promises of spiritual salvation and temporal power. And as history shows, debts to the syndicate can last for generations, enslaving not only the debtor but also his descendants, ensuring a never-ending cycle of Orzhov's syndicate control and power.

Notable Members

Member #
Teysa Karlov
Ghost Council of Orzhova
Karlov Family
Tomik Vrona
Milana Orzhov


The Orzhov Syndicate reigns in the luxurious, majestic towers and squares that make up its territory. Territories often ooze wealth and ostentatious displays of wealth, echoing the union's focus on material gain and power. Although it is located in the heart of the city of Ravnica, the lack of community and the trace of austerity in the architecture exudes isolation. Cobbled streets lined with ornate golden statues and marble columns are polished to a shine, and structures decorated with black and white Orzhov badges boldly express their authority. Their basilicas are not only places of worship but also function as banks, courts and markets. Orzhov's areas are heavily policed ​​and the laws are brutal, making them safe but also dead. An ordinary citizen could easily mistake them for premises belonging to royalty, but they simply reflect the power of the Orzhov Syndicate and their endless obsession with wealth and control.

Legacy and Impact

The Orzhov Syndicate helped shape the tumultuous social and political landscape of the plane of Ravnican. Their dualistic influence of wealth and spiritual power has created a unique legacy of control and manipulation. The subtext of eternal guilt, fueled by the omnipresent ghostly enforcers, inspires deep fear and obedience in the townspeople. This clever practice allows the Syndicate to transcend mortality and maintain its power in the ever-changing landscape of Ravnica. Even after the collapse of the Gildpact, their influence remains, a testament to their resilience and adaptability. The influence of Orzhov's syndicate is widespread. Not only did they reshape the physical and cultural infrastructure of Ravnica, but they also dictated its ethos and values, creating an intriguing yet terrifying environment within the Magic: The Gathering universe.