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Rakdos Cult

General Info

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Faction NameRakdos Cult
The Cult of Rakdos, also known as the Defiler Cult, is one of the ten guilds of Ravnica. Led by the demon Rakdos, the guild is known for its cult of theatrics, pleasure, chaos, and pain. Their strange displays, while amusing to some, often result in widespread destruction, much to the cult's delight. Known for their hedonistic lifestyle, Rakdos see the world as their stage and every other life as part of their audience or element of their grandiose performance. In the dark corners of Ravnica, the guild runs nightclubs where Ravnicians throw lavish parties that usually end in riots. Their carnivals are both entertainment and gruesome blood sports. They crack deadly jokes and torture the weak, dancing on the brink of sanity. This macabre guild reflects the dark side of red and black mana, showing what horrors can truly unfold when passion gives way to depravity.


The Cult of Rakdos, also known as the Cult of Rakdos, is a guild of hedonists and anarchists on the city plane of Ravnica. The guild resembles a chaotic circus led by the demon Rakdos, which celebrates macabre spectacles, debauchery and violence. A cult founded by Rakda, the Defiler, revels in personal freedom, cunning, and theatrical brutality.
Members of the Rakda cult are widely known for their love of violence and constant pursuit of entertainment. They are organized into rings, with each member or group trying to create the most imaginative and disturbing form of entertainment. These can range from jugglers taunting flaming chainsaws to killer clowns and terrifying beasts.
Despite their chaotic nature, the Cult of Rakdos plays a vital role in the ecosystem of Ravnica. As mercenaries, laborers, and even entertainers, they prove that even in a city as diverse and fabled as Ravnica, there is room for those who teeter on the brink of madness.

Thrill-seekers, punishment lovers and visitors with a macabre and twisted sense of humor are welcome at Rakdos Cult, where the line between pain and pleasure is blurred and every night is a macabre celebration. As the saying goes, “Free yourself and lose yourself in the performance. I hope it's not your blood spilled for tonight's entertainment.


The Cult of Rakdos, named after the demon Rakdos, is one of the ten guilds of Ravnica. Rakdos, the Defiler, is a fearsome and formidable guild member. As Parun, Rakdos is the first signatory of the guild's pact, and was instrumental in shaping the guild, guiding it down a chaotic and hedonistic path.

Based in the underground city of Ravnica, the Cult of Rakdos runs a monstrous, blood-soaked circus known as Rix Maadi, the Palace Below. The members of the cult are as diverse as they are terrifying: murderers, sadists and monsters, all enjoying a frenzy of destruction and brutal entertainment. The cult of Rakda's sense of "fun" is a mixture of horror and suffering. The slightest boredom can lead to the wildest riots.

Rakdos Cult offers a taste of absolute freedom from the shackles of rules and regulations, crossing borders for constant entertainment and fun. This simple yet powerful mantra unites the disparate members who are all trying to escape the monotony of ordinary life.

But the Rakdos are not just silly bon vivants. It can be a powerful force when the strain on the guild pact rises. For example, during the Dissident Crisis, they served as a military army defending Ravnica from threats.
Over time, the cult of Rakdos became deeply rooted in Ravnica society. Their performances are a strange, terrifying source of entertainment for many Ravnicians, as their employees work as miners and dredgers in the underground city. Although they cause constant chaos, they play a vital role in Ravnica's economy and stability.

This stark contrast has always been at the heart of the guild's philosophy: absolute freedom next to necessary order. It's a contradiction that reflects the nature of his demonic and maniacal master, Rakdos. While you may think that the cult of Rakdos is purely chaotic, it's best to remember that even in chaos there is an underlying order.

Notable Members

Member #
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
Massacre Girl
Juri, Master of the Revue
Judith, the Scourge Diva
Lyzolda, the Blood Witch
Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest
Sire of Insanity


The Cult of Rakda inherits a dangerously fiery geographic habitat steeped in anarchy in the MTG universe. With their feet firmly planted in the underworld of Ravnica, the cult takes advantage of the volcanic terrain, where hot lava flows and charred landscapes form a stunningly beautiful backdrop for their bizarre displays.

The cult runs amok in the Theater of Horror, and their circus-like realm is in the lava-soaked pits of Rakdos. The site features exploding infernos, spinning wheels of death and precarious tightrope walkers suspended above bubbling lava pits.

The Fire Fist, Rakda's chosen location for mass celebrations, sees the cult erupt into a frenzy that often results in the destruction of everything around them. Further on, the Karnarium, the former grand opera house, now echoes with broken glass and anguished screams.
Distorted stone structures with grotesque expressions carved into them, a tribute to Rakdos himself, can be found scattered across the desolate landscape. Danger and fear, along with an inexplicable allure, define the geography of the Cult of Rakda, making it truly unique, terrifyingly enchanting, and completely unlike any other realm in the MTG universe.

Legacy and Impact

The Cult of Rakdos left an indelible mark on the plane of Ravnica with its relentless embrace of chaos and mayhem. With their provocative performances that blur the line between pain and pleasure, they have incited fear and awe and catalyzed a cultural shift toward the acceptance of unfettered self-expression. However, their devotion to carnage and hedonism has drawn criticism and alarm, and some factions see their influence as a subversive force that destroys societal norms and order. However, the rakdos have proven to play an important role in major conflicts, contributing their manpower and unique brand of magic when Ravnica's survival is at stake. Rakdos reminds us that every society needs its outcasts, rebels, and pranksters—not just as counterweights to the establishment, but as essential components in the ever-circling circle of life, death, and rebirth. While the nature of their impact may be polarizing, the extent of their legacy is unmistakable.