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Selesnya Conclave

General Info

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Faction NameSelesnya Conclave
The Selesnya Conclave is a vibrant faction of the MTG universe dedicated to the harmonious coexistence and well-being of all living things. As the green and white guild of Ravnica's city plan, they strive for peace, promoting growth and unity. Led by the dryad Trostani, the Selesnya Conclave uses their powerful magic and vast armies to defend Ravnica. Their core belief in interconnectedness inspires their actions, manifested in their collective consciousness and powerful communal rituals. Selesnya welcomes all races and species and creates an environment of acceptance and growth. Their guild members, from elves to humans to living trees, work together to grow and nurture life. The Selesnya Conclave embodies harmony, growth, and unity and serves as a beacon of hope and peace in the chaotic world of the MTG universe.


One of ten guilds in the vast Magic: The Gathering universe, the Selesnya Conclave represents peace, unity, and nature. Conclave, embodying the green-white mana, is deeply spiritual, emphasizing community, harmony, and peace above all else. This guild is known for its numbers and great strength on the battlefield, inhabited by powerful creatures and ruled by wise and righteous leaders.

The Selesnya Conclave is designed to sustain life and grow and acts as an expanding organism. The great city of trees known as Vitu-Ghazi is the spiritual and literal center of the guild master Trostanis, a trio of dryads fused into a single being that echoes unity and life. The strength of the Selesnya Conclave lies in the doctrine of "One Life, One Purpose," which unites the different races under one banner.

The main strategy of the Selesnya conclave is to populate the battlefield with a large number of creatures and defeat the enemy in battle. Their magic often enhances their powers and promotes unity and growth. But they are not entirely defensive: the response can be swift and brutal if the peace is violated.

Selesnya Conclave offers a unique gameplay experience for Magic: The Gathering players seeking a balance between pure natural force and structured civilization, promoting unity and harmony in every game. To play Selesnya is to understand that individually we are one leaf, but together we are a forest.


In the vast and diverse spectrum of Magic: The Gathering, the Selesnya Conclave is a beacon of harmony and unity. With a deep-rooted ethos of community and interconnectedness, the Selesnya Conclave is nature's response to the chaotic urban environment of Ravnica.

Selesnya traces its origins back to the mists of ancient history, when the Mat'Selesnya, a mysterious elemental confluence of nature-worshiping entities, envisioned their vision of an egalitarian society. Thus the conclave came to be a general mixture of elves, humans, centaurs, and tree tribes, living among vast gardens and green bushes.
Under Mat'Selesnya's will, the conclave made peaceful coexistence a top priority and created a harmonious society where every voice counts. But their commitment to peace should not be mistaken for weakness. If necessary, the Selesnya Conclave could call upon its "silent ones," guardians, and elementals from the heart of nature itself to protect their utopia from outside threats.

The turning point in the history of Selesnia was a ten thousand year event. While the Ravicons saw it as a celebratory celebration, it was an uphill battle for Selesnya to resist the mind-controlling influence of Sadek, an ancient vampire. With the help of Emmara Tandris, the conclave was able to foil his treacherous plans and ensure their harmony against the forces of darkness. Selesnya's story is a testament to the resilient spirit of cooperation and harmony, a story of unity triumphing over chaos. Their story continues, spreading harmonious songs throughout Ravnica, guided by the ancient vision of Mat'Selesnya: one world, one soul, one conclave.

Notable Members

Member #
Tolsimir Wolfblood
Emmara Tandris
Dryad Militant
Chorus of the Conclave


The geography of the Selesnya Conclave faction can best be described as a spectacular fusion of nature and architecture seamlessly intertwined in the heart of Ravnica. Monumental trees, gleaming white towers and peaceful gardens are the physical paradigms of its territories, delineating their borders not with walls, but with boundless life overflowing with harmonious energy.

The territorial heart and spiritual center of Selesnya is Vernadis, the great tree. This exquisite creature is more than just a botanical wonder; it is a beacon of unity and reflects Klava's belief that all life should coexist harmoniously. Many gardens and groves branch off from Vernadis, where its members visit for quiet meditation and social gatherings. Large structures called Selesnya Temples are scattered throughout the faction's territory and serve as shelters where guild members live. Each shrine is closely connected to the others, forming a complex web of living architecture spread across Ravnica. This manifestation of structural unity and ecological diversity testifies to Selesnya's belief in networked community life, continuity, harmony and unity.

Despite the seemingly peaceful atmosphere, peace on the territory of Selesnya is fiercely guarded. Vigilance is maintained by silent patrols and sentinels high in the treetops or towers, constantly ensuring that the harmonious confines of their refuge remain impenetrable to disturbance.

Legacy and Impact

The impact of the Selesnya Conclave on Ravnik society cannot be underestimated. Their belief in unity and harmony has made the guild a thriving community, promoting peace and coexistence in an otherwise troubled city. This faction, with its skilled druids, sages, and knights, ensured the protection and growth of natural life wherever it held sway. Although their peaceful demeanor has often been mistaken for weakness, the Conclave has repeatedly demonstrated their immense strength in the defense of Ravnica. Their legacy is anchored in their principles of harmony that transcends the guild alone, symbolizing a way of life that nurtures and protects all life forms. Their impact is imprinted on Ravnik society as a guild that nurtures the heart of the plane, constantly guiding it towards growth, harmony and unity.