Nanatsu no Taizai, also known as The Seven Deadly Sins, is a popular manga and anime series set in a European medieval-like fantasy world. The series revolves around the titular Seven Deadly Sins, a group of powerful knights who were disbanded due to an alleged plot to overthrow the Lion Kingdom. These knights represent the seven sins of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. Each sin is embodied by a unique and complex character with an intriguing mix of strengths, weaknesses and personal stories. The series is full of epic battles, adventure and exploration, and deep themes of forgiveness and redemption.
Years later, the princess of the kingdom brings the Sins back into action, seeking their help in fighting the Holy Knights who have taken over the kingdom. Nanatsu no Taizai takes its readers and viewers on an unpredictable journey full of magic, morality and many twists and turns.