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Path of Exile Universe

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General Info

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Faction NameAzmeri
The Azmeri are one of the most prominent cultures in the Path of Exile universe, known for their resilience and sense of justice. A civilization emerged from the remnants of the Eternal Empire, their character shaped by surviving a cataclysm and establishing a community in a harsh landscape. Their social structure revolves around a council of elders who uphold old traditions and guide their people wisely. Primarily nomadic, the Azmer are known for their ability to adapt and understand the terrain, making them formidable survivors. Their soldiers are disciplined and dexterous, and wield their weapons with precision. Azmeri, known for their unwavering determination and righteousness, are a symbol of perseverance during the ordeal of Vraeclast.


The Azmeri are a native race of the Path of Exile universe known for their toughness and resilience. They have a rich history of survival, inheritance and conquest. When the Eternal Empire was still being formed, they retreated to the mighty mountains of the north to avoid submission. From their remote strongholds, the Azmerians had a weather advantage. They honed their skills, grew in numbers, and prepared for a possible invasion of the Empire. The Azmer were once a few tribes, but their hardships made them an extraordinary civilization. They were adept at harnessing the pure elemental magic of the environment while maintaining a devout culture that rejected tautourgy, seeing it as an aberration that disrupted the natural order. Their industrious nature and dedication allowed them to combine the remnants of fallen civilizations and adapt to the harsh conditions of their environment.
Like a skilled blacksmith, the Azmer have been hardened by the flames of adversity and become stronger. They are stoic and proactive individuals, reliable guardians of the realm. Their indomitable spirit and unyielding determination help them deal with the dark threats that loom over Wraeclast. Against these demons, the Ascendant is the brightest beacon of Azmer's enduring legacy. But their journey goes on forever, like a stable and unforgiving mountain that stands undaunted through the eons. Azmeri is the constant heartbeat of Wraeclast, the echo of his wild spirit. From their mountain fortresses they watch, wait, endure.


The Azmer, the ancestors of the Eternal Empire, have a history of mystery, resilience, and adaptation. They originally came from primitive clans that lived in the mountains and on the coast, now known as the Wraeclast. The harsh terrain and changeable weather gave them undeniable strength and determination.
In the absence of written records, much of Azmer's early history has been lost to time. It is known from oral traditions handed down from generation to generation that they were fierce warriors and skilled hunters who relied heavily on the bounty of the land. Over time, the Azmer transitioned from nomadic clans to more orderly societies, embracing agriculture.
The transformation of the Azmer into an organized civilization led to the development of a clear hierarchical structure, established norms, learned arts, and intellectual development. The establishment of permanent settlements was a symbol of this change, and the grandeur of these structures demonstrated their architectural prowess.
The rise of the Eternal Empire marked a major shift in Azmer's history. In addition to being militaristic and expansionist, the empire was notorious for its brutal practices and use of thaumaturgy. The relentless expansion of the empire often clashed with traditional Azmeria customs.
Despite the turbulent times the Azmer lived through during the rise and fall of the Eternal Empire, their indomitable spirit endured. Ultimately, a rebellion between the Arcanists and Karui warriors brought about the end of the Eternal Empire, leading to the survival of the Azmeri, whose influence was still felt in the ruins of the ancient empire and in the resilient spirit of the exiles.

Notable Members

Member #
Dialla, the Gemling Queen
Marceus Lioneye
Voll, Emperor of Purity
Malachai, The Nightmare
Piety of Theopolis
Victario, the People's Poet
Dominus, High Templar
Brutus, Lord Incarcerator


The basis of the development of the Path of Exile world, the inhabitants of Azmer trace their roots from humble origins in the harsh and wild desert. Adapting and evolving to the wild environment, they battled the icy, unrelenting winds and predatory threats that lurked in the dense, shadowy depths of the forests.
Abandoning their nomadic lifestyle, the Azmer settled in the central region of the continent, now called the center of the Eternal Empire. As hardened people began to dominate their environment, the foundations of future metropolises emerged from the entrenched desert.
Set in a triangular shape, the great cities of Azmer reflected the three peaks of Highgate Mountain, the cultural heart of their civilization. Variously depicted as a symbolic representation of their ancestral leadership triad or a traditional three-tiered social structure, these cities demonstrated the Azmerians' keen sense of harmony and balance with the terrain.
A vast network of rivers meandered through their territories, providing a thriving civilization with food and the means of travel and trade. What was once vast nature has been transformed into a landscape teeming with productivity and civic life, showcasing the indomitable spirit and resilience of the people of Azmer. Today, the echoes of their heritage still reverberate in the foothills and whisper their stories in the fresh mountain air.

Legacy and Impact

The Azmeri's legacy and impact on the Path of Exile universe is significant and profound. Coming from the center of Wraeclast, they created a civilization that would become the basis of many cultures and factions in the game world. Their greatest conquest, the Eternal Empire, was the pinnacle of Wraeclast civilization for centuries. But their deaths were dramatic and plunged the continent into a dark age from which it has yet to fully recover. Despite their fall, the influence of the Azmer lives on. Many of the game's characters, including some of the game's classes, originate from this once-upon-a-time fantasy land. Additionally, their architectural designs, legal systems, and religious beliefs are scattered throughout the Wraeclast, remnants of a bygone era. But the lessons of their downfall, most notably arrogance and reckless pursuit of power, resonate with players and characters alike, serving as a cautionary tale for those who seek to control Wraeclast's destiny.