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Subnautica Universe

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Floating Island

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Location NameFloating Island
Alternate NameLevitating Land
A floating island in the vast universe of Subnautica is a sight not to be missed. The southwestern island is home to many striking plant species and fascinating cave systems. Look out for the native species - Skyray - gliding in the sky above you. Discover the remains of the Degasi Naval Base, which contains traces of fallen human settlements. Admire the breathtaking view from above and experience the peace that comes from the absence of dangerous species on land. A floating island offers a welcome change from the marine ecosystem, opening up a whole new world of land exploration. From purple vegetables to bulbous trees, prepare your taste buds for new adventures too. It is a beautiful retreat full of life and secrets waiting to be revealed.


The floating island in the Subnautica universe is a natural wonder that is a testament to the game's unique and diverse locations. Contrary to its name, this island does not float on the surface of the sea, but is suspended underwater by a collection of ancient floats, giving it a picturesque appearance that adds to its mysterious aura.
This terrestrial environment is full of alien plants and alien life, making it a real treasure for gamers who love biodiversity. Numerous plants such as Jaffa Cups, Grub Baskets, and Bulbo Trees provide food and resources for the survivors, making visiting the island a must for survival.
But the fauna of the island is not limited to flora. Bird-like creatures like the Skyray live in the sky and can be the island's main wildlife. As beautiful and mysterious as the island is, it also holds danger for the unwary. Crabs, a large aggressive species, also live in the waters and pose a threat to curious survivors.
The island also bears the stamp of an ancient alien civilization, with abandoned bases at higher elevations. Filled with advanced technology found nowhere else, these bases provide an intriguing glimpse into the history of the Subnautica universe. This unique combination of alien biodiversity, underwater aesthetics, and historical relics makes the floating island an intriguing, pivotal location in the Subnautica universe that every survivor should explore.


The floating island of the Subnautica universe is an enigma intertwined with threads of mystery and fascination. Floating in the planet's ocean, this water-spreading alien land mass completely defies the conventional wisdom of geology and topography. It is floated by ancient chariots, an exotic species anchored to the island's rock. These floats are methane-filled organisms that allow the entire land mass to float on the surface of the ocean.
Upon discovery, the island was a breath of fresh air, a stark contrast to the aquatic life and experiences an oceanic planet has to offer. Its geological wonders are surpassed only by the rich and unique biome it supports. A different world can be seen on land than the vast universe of water. The island is divided into three main zones: the mountain range, the beach and the underwater zone.
Bulbus trees and pink cap mushrooms grow in the mountainous area. Favored by seagulls and crabs, the sunny climate makes the beach a perfect habitat for local fauna and flora. The underwater area with floats is even more mesmerizing and offers a great view of flying Peepers and Bladderfish. The cave systems beneath the island are also a treasure trove of secrets waiting to be discovered. The vast caverns are shrouded in mystery by the Degasi survivors who once established a base here.
In addition, there are signs of extraterrestrial activity on the island. The alien arc connecting to Mountain Island is a telecommunication facility for the Forerunner races. The island's history is also intertwined with the abandoned bases of Degasi survivors, whose logs and data downloads provide a glimpse into the changes in their lives on this strange planet.
The floating island is an example of the truly fascinating and mysterious universe of Subnautica, intertwined with natural wonders, remnants of the activities of alien predecessors and the history of the survivors of Degasi. It remains a symbol of hope and despair, survival and loss, a constant reminder of the immense beauty and deadly danger that this ocean world hides.


The floating island is a unique location in the surreal space of the Subnautica universe. Suspended above the surface of the ocean by ancient and mysterious floating stones, this unique terrain is a natural refuge for both the altitude-loving Skyray and various species of terrestrial plants.
The unique ecosystem of this island is due to the fact that it is not affected by the Carar bacteria due to its unique altitude. The island is home to many different types of flora, such as the onion tree, Ming plant, Jaffa cup and the elusive pink cap, which is unique to the floating island. The vegetation found here is unlike anything seen underwater or on any other island. Specifically, the sunset design suggests that it once lay in the water before these mysterious floating stones lifted it into the air. Over time, the island developed into an autonomous biome with a fauna and flora very different from the other biomes surrounding planet 4546B.
In addition to the natural wonders, the floating island also contains the remains of the Degasi Naval Base. This player-created naval base is an essential resource for exploration and survival. This means that this location offers not only a visual feast, but also tools and resources that are crucial to the player's progress during the game. Essentially a floating island, it's a testament to the sheer variety and ingenuity of Subnautica's game world. Its towering peaks and lush jungle foliage contrast strikingly with the endless watery abyss of the surrounding ocean, making it one of the most memorable landmarks in the deep exploration game.