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Subnautica Universe

Awaiting Claim

Mountain Island

General Info

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Location NameMountain Island
The mountain island in Subnautica is a harmonious blend of various elements. The landscape is vast with tall rugged formations and deep fascinating caves. The abundant flora consists of various plants such as Jaffa Cup, Grue Cluster, Ming Plant and Speckled Rattler that add greenery to the area. Voxel bushes can also be found in abundance. The wildlife, although less diverse, is no less intriguing, with cave caterpillars dominating the landscape. High on the island is an alien facility called the Quarantine Execution Platform. The island turns out to be a rich source of diamonds, gold and lithium and has a fascinating history. Taken together, Mountain Island exemplifies the essential essence of Subnautica: exciting exploration mixed with majestic beauty.


Mountain Island is a fascinating and unique place full of breathtaking scenery, exotic life forms and interesting artifacts in the enchanting underwater world of Subnautica. This small land mass juts out from the ocean and boasts a changing topography full of mountainous terrain, verdant forests and complex cave systems.
The island of mountains is especially dominated by an ancient alien structure - a quarantine enforcement platform. It is not only a monumental architectural wonder, but also a complex story about an alien civilization and a deadly pandemic. As players delve into the cavernous interiors, they uncover mysterious alien technology and clues to the deadly bacteria causing a global infection. The island is home to a unique collection of terrestrial flora and fauna. From bulb trees that feed hungry explorers to harmless cave creepers that make the forest their home, the island's biodiversity is unfathomable. Nestled in the lush greenery, beautiful birds called sky rays add to the beauty of the island.
Geologically isolated from the main ocean space, Mountain Island also offers beautiful underwater terrain. The shallow reef is home to wonderful species such as blue palm and veined nettles. The dark depths of the island, a perfect setting for unusual and rare wildlife such as giant Reaper Leviathans, will surely make for an adrenaline-filled adventure.
Treasures await you in the most unexpected corners of the Mountain Island. Each exploratory adventure promises exciting new discoveries and knowledge, from alien technology to exotic life forms. It captures the essence of the Subnautica universe and is a testament to the game's rich content that continues to captivate players around the world.


The mountain island of the Subnautica universe has a compelling story, enriched with elements of mystery and scientific exploration. This opens a fascinating chapter in the story of the survival-adventure game Subnautica, in which this remote landform plays a vital role.
During the Great Dark Planet Catastrophe, Mountain Island was created. It was formed by a violent geological activity caused by the disaster, which caused it to emerge suddenly from the depths of the ocean. As a result, native flora and fauna of the surrounding marine environment gradually migrated and adapted to the land landscape, contributing to the island's biodiversity. The island is also where players learn about the existence of an alien race: the Forerunners. Their technology, especially the QEP (Quarantine Enforcement Platform) on the island, is a big discovery. This platform further emphasizes the advanced technological capabilities of its predecessors to harness energy and manipulate space-time. It was this construct that shot down the Aurora, the spaceship the player character arrived on.
Later, the players receive a signal directing them to the secondary bases of the Degasi crew, human colonists who crash-landed on the planet before Aurora. The discovery of the bases provides a better understanding of the people's survival efforts on the island and the plight they faced due to the planet's aggressive wildlife and the mysterious virus, the Kharaa bacteria.
Thus, Mountain Island tells a multi-layered story, filled with the remnants of an alien civilization and traces of human efforts to survive. The story is a rich tapestry of events that reveal the hidden secrets of the Subnautica universe.


Mountain Island in the Subnautica universe is an important place of unparalleled beauty and mystery. Surrounded by vast oceans and hostile marine life, the island is a beacon of peace and offers a stark contrast to the surrounding aquatic world.
Although the land geography of the island is characterized by rocky terrain, it is the underwater caves that are rich in rare and precious resources that intrigue explorers. The island is also home to an alien species known as warps that pose a potential threat to visitors.
The island is also of particular interest as it houses the Quarantine Enforcement Platform, a giant alien facility. This alien arch structure played a key role in bringing down the Aurora, a spaceship that crashed into an ocean planet. Aurora's disaster sets off a survival adventure for the main character.
The terrain varies from sandy beaches to grassy plateaus and caves, adding to the diversity of the area. The island is rich in flora with spotted rattlesnakes and voxel bush covering large areas. This island also contains some of the only terrestrial fauna on planet 4546B, including cave reptiles and sky jets. Mountain Island is not only a place for explorers to collect resources, but also a historical site that reveals the mysterious history of the previous inhabitants and the devastating disease that wiped them out, allowing for both danger and discovery.
In summary, Mountain Island is the core of Subnautica, a symbol of the game's rich biodiversity and history, an oasis in the midst of chaos, and a vital aid to survival in the desolate, otherworldly realm of Subnautica.