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Subnautica Universe

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Safe Shallows

General Info

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Area/RegionPlanet 4546B
Location NameSafe Shallows
A beautiful wildlife biome in the Subnautica universe, Safe Shallows features turquoise waters, coral reefs, living grassy plateaus, and diverse fauna and flora. This shallow and relatively safe biome is the starting point for any survival underwater journey, providing plenty of basic resources such as buffers and hides for sustenance, limestone outcrops for basic materials, and vines for crafting essential gear. Beneath its mesmerizing beauty lurks a predator known as the Stalker, a threat to unprepared explorers. It remains a beacon of peace amidst the horrors of the sea's depths, serving as a peaceful haven for new and seasoned survivors alike. Dive into the safe shallows and start your sea adventure!


Safe Shallows is the start of your survival adventure in the intriguing universe of Subnautica. Your landing on an alien planet is cushioned by numerous coral outcroppings and extensive leafy marine flora. The clarity of the sea creates an enchanting play of light and colors around and spreads a calm atmosphere.
This shallow biome is home to adorable sea creatures like voyeurs and puffer fish, which are not only visually appealing, but are also your main sources of food and hydration. Watch out for alien fauna such as centipedes, which can become aggressive if they sense your presence. Marshmallow-like floats anchor large slabs of coral along the seabed, creating an unusual landscape.
Scattered around are various deposits of copper, titanium, and quartz, vital resources to increase your survivability. The sea floor is littered with debris from the crashed spaceship Aurora. Explore the wreckage to recover valuable technology to aid your exploration and survival, but beware of the dangers lurking in the debris fields.
Safe Shallows is a great dating region that combines innate beauty with surprises, dangers, and basic resources. This otherworldly marine paradise sets the pace for your exploration of the unknown, requiring caution and ingenuity, two skills that will help you navigate the Subnautica universe.


Created by bubbling lava and tectonic action, Safe Shallows, a bioregion of the subnautic world, is a peaceful haven teeming with marine life. In prehistoric times, this shallow space with occasional volcanoes and enchanting caves was a haven for sailors and explorers.
Located near the crash site of the starship Aurora, Safe Shallows is a delicate testament to the survival and exploration history of planet 4546B. This place was the first living beacon discovered by the Aurora survivors, inviting them into an enchanting underwater world, albeit full of ambiguous dangers.
In the years since the Aurora incident, the diverse population of Safe Sekių has adapted to the changing ecosystem. A splash of color against the harshness of the ocean abyss, the flora and fauna of Safe Shallows provide an original charm. Whether it's a delicate swimming fish, a luminous pufferfish, or a glowing toadstool, each species lives in harmony with each other.
Safe Shallows also includes stories of survival, most notably from Ryley Robinson, the sole survivor of the Aurora crash, whose first base was established here. It may seem peaceful during the day, but when the three moons rise, the region glows with an ethereal bioluminescence, transforming it into an otherworldly spectacle.
Further exploration, hidden beneath calm shallows, reveals an incredible labyrinth of caves rich in quartz, copper and titanium. Also known as Coral Tube Caves, these underground wonders are a treasure trove of resources just waiting to be discovered.
The story of the Safe Shallows is a story of fiery creativity, survival and natural beauty. It is a testament to time, echoing silent tales of exploration and adventure, hiding an abundance of life and resources within its depths.


Safe Shallows is a tranquil and enchanting place, teeming with life and vibrant hues that blend into the breathtaking underwater landscape of the Subnautica universe. With its shallow lagoons, sandbars and rocky outcrops, this region stands out as one of the most visually stunning areas and the starting point for a survivor diving expedition.
Safe shoals near the Aurora crash site provide easy access to basic resources necessary for survival. Here you can encounter familiar life forms such as peepers, fishes and an abundance of enchanting flora. The presence of coral and the use of coral tubes for air supply facilitate exploration. Safe shoals, while primarily home to harmless life forms, also have some threats, such as carnivorous shoals lurking at the edges of kelp forests. The area enjoys a combination of tranquil beauty and an element of danger that provides an immersive survival experience.
A notable nearby landmark is Lifepod 5, the launch site and first safe haven for survivors. Hence the story of survival, exploration and uncovering the secrets of an alien planet. Safe Shallows offers vital resources, breathtaking scenery, and a relatively safe environment in sunlit waters that lives up to its name. The coral slabs, stretching like mighty fortresses above the sea, give the place its distinctive character. Each day at Safe Shallows brings new challenges, lessons and joys to survive in the aquatic world; is a truly immersive starting point for Subnautica's epic adventure.