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Location NameHeaven
Alternate NameParadise
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The sky in the Supernatural universe is incredibly unique. It is a heavenly abode for the souls of people who were considered good and pure. Contrary to traditional belief, Heaven in Supernatural is not a master plan of existence, but instead consists of several customized heavens tailored to an individual's perfect memories. Everyone's heaven is different and should be a paradise that reflects their happiest moments on earth. An interesting aspect is that the heavens can be connected, allowing souls to communicate with each other. It's not all peace, though; Heaven is administratively ruled by angels who can resort to authoritarian means when necessary. Overall, Heaven in Supernatural represents a personal human thrill bound up with layers of deep complexity and rules.


Heaven in the supernatural universe is an ethereal entity that exists in another dimension, beyond the plane of Earth. This heavenly realm is the place of souls deemed worthy in the afterlife, offering a peaceful and idyllic eternity that reflects each person's personal interpretation of heaven.
The eternally vast sky is divided into many individual domains or "heavens," each tailored to the inhabitant's earthly experiences, memories, and desires. It is a place where precious moments come back, peace comes and loved ones can be visited again.
But this illusion of urban perfection belies the complex hierarchy of the sky. Ruled by angels, their political factions often add intrigue and duplicity unknown to the silent population.
In the heart of heaven is the kingdom of angels, beyond the reach of human souls under ordinary circumstances. It contains important places such as the garden where the highest angel lives and the heavenly portal that connects heaven to earth.
Even though heaven is an example of eternal peace, it is not immune to disturbances. Supernatural phenomena, angelic conflicts, and external threats occasionally disturbed the peace. But despite its complexity and sometimes impermanence, heaven is a refuge and salvation for many souls, a place of endless blue skies where the sun always shines and one is surrounded by the most precious memories and encounters.


The story of Heaven in the Supernatural universe is as divine and mysterious as you'd expect. It serves as the home of various angelic beings and virtuous mortal souls. Heaven was created by God, aka Chuck Shurley, after the creation of the universe and before the creation of man. However, the Almighty left him in the power of the Archangels and he disappeared, leading to what was known as the "Archangel Civil War".
Before he left, God appointed the archangel Metatron as his scribe, tasked with documenting God's Word. Metatron recorded every detail of creation, the celestial hierarchy, and the actions of the heavens in a series of tables. Because of his banishment from heaven, he would later become an enemy and even attempt to restore heaven to earth.
Archangel Michael took over the leadership of Heaven and made it hierarchical and militaristic. The heaven called heaven is truly individualistic as each soul has their own personal "heaven" or "happy place" based on their happiest memories. All these personal havens are organized and interconnected, almost like many rooms in a vast hotel paradise.
But heaven is not without conflict. Notable events include the Archangel Civil War, the Angelic Rebellion, and the Fall, when Metatron brought all the angels to Earth. In recent years, Heaven has faced an energy crisis as the number of angels is dwindling, forcing them to ration the use of Heaven's resources.
Despite the many challenges and changes, the sky obsessively maintains a facade of peace and tranquility. This supreme place in the afterlife symbolizes the final destiny to be pursued in a supernatural universe ablaze with eternal glory and divine peace despite a complicated and often turbulent history.


The concept of heaven in the supernatural universe is grand and multi-layered with deep nuances. It is not just a paradise where good souls rest, but rather a labyrinth of individual paradises, or rather a labyrinth of personalized realities based on memories and experiences.
The series depicts heaven as a bureaucracy overseen by a contingent of angels from God's absence. Angels act as guardians to ensure that these individual heavens function smoothly while preserving the overall capacity of this collective heaven.
This individual heaven is attuned to the soul's longings and desires. Each of them is a personal paradise, an echo of the happiest moments, whether it is a soothing memory or a cherished dream. Souls live in an eternal cycle, unaware that they have passed into another realm of existence. This celestial aspect of the Supernatural series adds a melancholic beauty to the concept of the afterlife.
Angels, essentially agents and overseers, rule the kingdom using the keys of Heaven. In addition, there is also a garden in heaven, a place so completely peaceful and beautiful that only a select few can find it. It is proposed to be the abode of God, reflecting his love for nature and all creation.
The sky in the Supernatural universe is not only a place, but also a character in itself. He plays an essential role, influencing everyone's destiny and illustrating that heaven is not only an end, but also a journey. This resonates with the show's central theme: life, death, and what lies beyond.