The universe of Umbrella Academy is an exciting and unique world created by Gerardo Way and Gabriel Bá in the comic book series of the same name, which was later adapted by Netflix. It revolves around a group of seven babies born on the same day in 1989. for mothers who were not pregnant at the beginning of the day; eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopts them to prepare them to save the world.
Each child is gifted with exceptional superhuman abilities, except for one Vanya, and they grow up at the Umbrella Academy. However, due to their peculiar upbringing, they have left psychological scars, and as adults they are usually dysfunctional, struggling to manage their relationships and personal lives.
The story combines elements of science fiction, superhero fiction and family drama, with scenarios of time travel, apocalypse, family relationships and personal struggles. The quirky, crude humor masked by the dark undertones makes for an interesting juxtaposition, making Umbrella Academy an interesting universe to explore.