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World of Warcraft icon

World of Warcraft Universe

Awaiting Claim


General Info

Cataclysm logo
Event NameCataclysm
The Cataclysm event is a pivotal moment in the World of Warcraft universe. A cataclysmic disaster orchestrated by the powerful Dragon aspect Deathwing caused a dramatic change in the world of Azeroth. This event led to fundamental changes in familiar landscapes, changing territorial boundaries and disrupting the balance of power. The elemental planes collided with the mortal world, causing environmental catastrophes and the emergence of new and formidable enemies. Races and factions were drawn into the chaos, forming new loyalties to survive. From the ashes of destruction, heroes have risen to face challenges, leading to new stories of valor and courage. The Cataclysm event marked a dynamic transformation, reshaping the world and enabling new missions, adventures and epic battles.



World of Warcraft (WoW) universe is vast, immersive, and rich in lore. It takes place in the beautiful kingdom of Azeroth, full of different races, cultures and lands to explore. The world is divided into two competing factions, the Horde and the Alliance, each offering a unique perspective and side to the ongoing conflict.

Many quests, world events, dungeons and raid challenges, WoW offers players a huge sandbox to take part in. In addition, the grand story woven into every corner of the environment makes the experience even more compelling. The world is both beautiful and dangerous, full of mythical creatures, dastardly warlords, noble heroes and cunning villains.

Continuing to expand, the WoW universe also extends far beyond Azeroth, taking players to dark demonic realms, ruined alien worlds, and even the afterlife itself. World of Warcraft is always waiting for new secrets, fierce enemies to defeat, and adventurous journeys.