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Zelda Universe

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General Info

Gerudo logo
Faction NameGerudo
The Gerudo are a tribe of female warriors found mainly in the deserts of Hyrule. They have a great reputation for their fighting skills, agility and endurance. A male is only born once every hundred years and is destined to become the King of the Gerudo. The mysterious Gerudo tribe has a fascinating mix of culture, values ​​and traditions. Their harsh desert life and unique social structure produced strong, independent women who excelled in surviving and thriving in harsh climates and combat situations. Respected and feared by many, their mark on the vast Zelda universe is important and unforgettable.


The Gerudas are a unique and fascinating group in the Zelda universe. They are a tribe of female warriors known for their superior physical strength, impressive fighting skills and red hair. Traditionally, the tribe is ruled by a malaka or queen. Interestingly, once in a hundred years, only one male is born in the tribe, who is destined to become their king.
Living mostly in the harsh and inhospitable desert regions, the Gerudo have adapted well, developing unyielding endurance and knowledge of desert survival. They are respected merchants and have extensive knowledge of horsemanship, archery, and thievery. Their magnificent fortress-like architecture shows exceptional skill and ingenuity.
Despite being merciless in warfare, Gerudo are characterized by honor and a strong sense of duty. They adhere to a strict code of ethics based on respect and loyalty. They are also known for their strong loyalty to their tribe and an "all for one, one for all" mentality. Loyalty and honor are the pillars upon which Gerudo society is built, making them a huge faction in the Zelda universe.
Although they may appear intimidating or fierce to outsiders due to their powerful warrior origins, Gerudo also have a softer, more artistic side. Known for weaving exquisite fabrics and creating intricate jewelry, they have a detailed aesthetic culture that complements their uniqueness.
The Gerudo faction is not only a tribe of warriors, but also a very complex society with its own unique customs and hierarchies. Their history and culture add to the rich tapestry of the Zelda universe.


Hailing from the vast desert regions of Hyrule, the Gerudo faction occupies a unique place in the rich tapestry of the Zelda universe. An important aspect of this tribe is the matriarchal structure ruled by one male who is born once every hundred years. This man is often given the title of King or even Ganondorf, the epitome of Demise's hatred and one of the main antagonists of the series.
Although they are known for their warrior culture of exceptional skill and agility, they are not just a martial community. They are also known for their deep knowledge of the magical arts, which greatly aided Link in his adventures. The Gerudo faction has shown a remarkable ability to adapt in the face of adversity. Whether they survived the harsh conditions of the desert or faced the hardships of their unique social structure, they showed resilience and strength. This resilience is a testament to their fierce independence and tenacity, embodying the essence of what it means to be a Gerudo.
The portrayal of the Gerudo faction has changed over the years. Although initially shown as purely hostile figures, later games in the Zelda series delved into their culture and society, portraying them in a more nuanced light. They value honor, friendship, and courage, traits that resonate deeply with the core themes of the Zelda series.
Even their physical features—bronze skin, golden eyes, and fiery red hair—are as distinctive as their cultural features. In clothing, they prefer functional yet stylish clothing that suits the desert heat and their physically active lives.
In short, the Gerudo faction is an essential aspect of the rich diversity that has made the Zelda universe so appealing to fans around the world. Their unique traditions combined with their tremendous perseverance add to their deep-rooted charm and appeal. Steeped in history, resilience, and strength, their story resonates across the vast expanses of the Zelda universe, making the series even more vibrant and compelling.

Notable Members

Member #
Master Kohga


The Gerudo tribal community lives in the harsh and unforgiving heart of the Gerudo Desert, the Zelda universe. This arid landscape is far from dead: it teems with an unrelenting vitality and cultural charm unique to the Gerudo people. The sandy plains, occasionally interrupted by rocks or cacti, hide ancient structures of great historical value.
Chief among them is the Gerudo Fortress, an intimidating structure that stands as a testament to the Gerudo's resilience. Guarded by skilled Gerudo warriors, it is a labyrinth of corridors with a grand throne room that indicates the tribe's hierarchical society and culture. The citizens of Gerudo, known to be mostly women, have adapted to life in the desert, from grueling days to freezing nights, with a few homes built in caves or ravine walls. They often have open terraces - this is their love of freedom and large spaces.
The Gerudo Plateaus are located at the edge of the desert. These are frozen mountains, a stark contrast to the rest of the desert, which is full of hallucinogenic mushrooms and wildlife that are an important part of the Gerud's diet.
In contrast, an oasis in the middle of the desert beats the heat with a thriving ecosystem of palm trees and a body of water that is a solace for weary travelers. Thus, the geography of the Gerudo country greatly influences the Gerudo way of life, fostering courage, resilience and respect for nature in its stark contrasts.

Legacy and Impact

The influence and resonance of the Gerudo faction in the Zelda universe is inevitable. Constantly defying expectations, Gerudo displays a mesmerizing combination of strength, wilderness survival skills, and strong femininity. They are often depicted as an all-female tribe with only one male born every hundred years, which lends their population dynamics a certain rarity and intrigue. The final main character, Ganondorf, is the most famous and has achieved legendary status in the annals of video game history as one of the greatest antagonists. Additionally, their culture, with its unique customs, traditions, and aesthetics, provided rich narrative material, giving deep texture to the entire Zelda landscape. Their influence extends beyond gaming to wider popular culture, inspiring cosplayers, artists and writers. Thus, the enduring legacy of the Gerudo faction is a testament to the richness and depth of Zelda as a fantasy universe.