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Kakariko Village

General Info

Kakariko Village logo
Area/RegionEast Necluda
Location NameKakariko Village
Alternate NameVilage of Shadows
Kakariko Village is a quiet community located at the foot of the legendary Death Mountain. This idyllic village is one of the highlights of the Zelda universe, where it exudes a sense of comfort and charm. Originally established by the Sheikh tribe, it is an emblem of their heritage and a testament to their pious duties. An important feature of the village is the windmill hut with its enduring and haunting melody. The village features many staples of the Zelda series, such as a mysterious fortune teller and a bustling market. The village of Kakariko is the beating heart of Hyrule, a meeting place for people of various professions, each with their own story that contributes to the overall saga of the franchise.


Set in the Legend of Zelda universe, Kakariko Village has an eclectic cast of characters and a rich history that will delight seasoned explorers and newcomers alike. First explored in A Link to the Past, the village is an obvious hub between restless adventurers and their quests.
Nestled in the shadow of Death Mountain, Kakariko offers a beacon of peace amidst the chaotic wilderness. The rustic architecture, windmills and lush farmland evoke a sense of simplicity and coziness, which belies the mountain's dangerous reputation.
In addition to its beauty, the village has several unique establishments, from potions shops to shooting ranges, that cater to a variety of exploration and combat needs. The feathered residents add a strange charm as the Kukos roam the streets freely, often wreaking havoc on unsuspecting visitors.
Protagonists such as the humble windmill operator or the mysterious soothsayer add their own flavor to this mixture of charm and weirdness, often serving as conduits for players to unravel the complex threads of legend and history that abound throughout the Zelda universe.
Despite the village's tranquility, it is often the epicenter of important events, prompting players to gain invaluable knowledge of the heart of Hyrule. From Ocarina of Time to Breath of the Wild, Kakariko remains an integral part of Link's journey: a place of peace, revelation, and ingenuity.


Originally a rustic and peaceful village located in the heart of Hyrule, Kakariko Village has a history as rich and varied as the kingdom itself. Founded in the Age of Chaos as a hideout for the service and protection of the Sheikah, the royal family of Hyrule, the village of Kakariko flourished in the shadow of Death Mountain and became the family's last stand. The Hylian Civil War, a dark chapter in the kingdom's history, led to Hylian migration to the countryside, making it more open and less remote.
During the Age of Prosperity, when Hyrule was ruled by King Daphnes Nohansen, the village of Kakariko became a bustling market and center for trade and lighthearted conversation. It was during this period that many important landmarks such as the Impos House and the Windmill became cornerstones of the village's identity. However, when the Prison War began, Kakariko suffered greatly and became a shadow of his former self. Left in ruins and almost abandoned, the village was revived by the efforts of a humble carpenter's son, who rebuilt a large part of the village from scratch.
In the timeline of children and adults, the village of Kakariko continues to oscillate between periods of prosperity and decline, a reflection of Hyrule's tumultuous past. Today, the village is a testament to Hyrule's resilience, echoing the tales of its evolving history with each stone-paved, humble abode an enduring beacon to Hyrule's rich and storied past.


At the heart of the Kingdom of Hyrule is a rural settlement known as Kakariko Village. Surrounded by the currents of history, it is a crucial waypoint in the ongoing journey of the Hero of Time.
Kakariko Village is located in the corner of Death Mountain, giving it a secluded feel from the rest of Hyrule. It was originally home to an ancient tribe of sheikhs who acted as protectors of the royal family of Hyrule. However, over time, this place has become a typical rural settlement, embodying the heart and spirit of the Hylian people. Cobbled paths meander through this picturesque village, connecting simple thatched cottages, each uniquely reflecting the character of its occupant. The ordinary people of Kakariko cheerfully go about their daily business, creating an atmosphere of sweet bustle and warm friendliness.
Historical relics such as Grandma's liquor store and windmill add to the village's charm. The hustle and bustle of the market offers a glimpse into the culture and crafts of the region. Among these echoes of the past, the Impos House is a symbolic reminder of the sheikh's legacy. But this is not all folk charm. To the wary wanderer, Kakariko hides secrets beneath her kindness. Hidden paths lead to the ancient and mysterious Temple of Shadows, a reflection of the complex relationship between light and shadow in the Hyrule saga.
Kakariko Village is not just a place. He is part of Hyrule's history, a silent spectator of the dawn and dusk of the ages. It's really proof that the Zelda realms you travel through are characters in their own right.