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Attack on Titan Universe

Awaiting Claim

Royal Government

General Info

Royal Government logo
Faction NameRoyal Government
The real government in Attack on Titan is the faction that holds the power. Shrouded in mystery and secrecy, the government makes important decisions to protect the survival of humanity within its borders. They are considered elitist and have caused mistrust among the population because they hid important information from the outside world. The government also controls the military to maintain order and security. Despite their secretive nature, they play a vital role in the dynamic world of Attack on Titan, undoubtedly influencing the fate of humanity. Their purpose, under the guise of maintaining peace and order, exceeds comprehension and adds to their complex character.


The Royal Government faction wields immense political power in the Attack on Titan universe. They settle in Mitras, an inner region of Wall Sina, and operate under the guise of maintaining the last safe haven of human civilization against the Titans. However, their dominance is not undisputed. Known for their corruption and manipulation, they maintain control through a variety of dark tactics and often keep people ignorant of the reality beyond the borders.
They have three main military branches under their jurisdiction: the Military Police Brigade, the Garrison and the Scout Regiment. However, the misallocation of resources and prioritization of the Military Police Brigade, often seen as a symbol of capital's leniency, has drawn much criticism from the lower classes and those most fearful of Titan attacks.
Despite their shortcomings, they managed to create an illusion of peace between the borders. Hiding in the luxurious center of the kingdom, they use their power to quell any rebellion or threat to their rule. Secrecy is their greatest weapon, their veils hiding not only the horrors behind Wall Maria, but also the deepest and most ancient truths of their world. Their refusal to reveal the reality of the Titans and their origins has resulted in a society full of mystery and misinformation, while the true nature of their world remains a mystery to their citizens.


In the world of Attack on Titan, the royal government is the main, dominant force within the vast inner walls. If we trace the first arcs of its complicated history, it is clear that the group acted as a puppet government orchestrated by the ingenious but sinister machinations of the nobles and the military police.
Rising from the ashes of a shattered civilization, her foundation was a retreat from the ever-present threat of the Titans. From these surviving beginnings, the royal government took a hardline approach to conservative values, promoting an insular society and suppressing all forms of dissent. As a result, technological and social progress came to a standstill as the main priority was to preserve the status quo. The main event was the passage of humanity between borders. At first the walls became a refuge, then a prison, and the government's secret rewriting of history further strengthened its authority. But the facade of peace created by the government is in danger of shattering, a fragile peace that rests in the abyss of turbulent secrets locked within the very walls.
But the oppressive reign of royalty took an unexpected turn. The army scout regiment then led a coup and exposed the insidious truth behind the government's actions. The curtain rose to reveal the puppeteers: the nobles and their puppet king.
This marks a drastic change in the history of royal power. After the coup, Historia Reiss took over the reins, seeking to redefine government structures and ensure transparency and justice to compensate for long-standing corruption. Thus, the story of the royal kingdom shows a journey from dark depths to enlightenment marked by struggle, change and resilience.

Notable Members

Member #
Rod Reiss
Friedrich Reiss
Ulrich Reiss
Uri Reiss
Dirk Reiss
Abel Reiss
Florian Reiss
Rod's wife
Historia Reiss
Dhalis Zachary


The real government in the world of Attack on Titan is based on the closed land of Paradis Island. This strategically located island is divided into several districts, the central command of which is Mitra, in the inner city of Muro Sina. Miter is the Royal Palace, the decision-making center of this faction.
The size of the area enclosed by the three concentric walls - Wall Maria, Wall Rose and Wall Sina - is a fascinating aspect of geography. The circular design of these walls not only provides sufficient protection, but also clearly demarcates social classes. When you get closer to the epicenter, the social situation and quality of life improves significantly.
The outer part occupied by Wall Maria is a harsh and hostile zone. However, it is a vital refuge for the farming communities scattered across the districts of Trost and Shiganshina. Wall Rose, on the other hand, boasts thriving cities like Trost and Karanes with a vibrant livelihood. The residents of Wall Sina enjoy the best luxuries, such as vineyards and large parks, which represent the wealth that resides in the area. Thus, the geography of royal government not only embodies morphology and place, but also reflects deep social and economic inequality in this society.

Legacy and Impact

The Royal Government left a very mixed legacy in the Attack on Titan universe. On the one hand, their strict control and secrecy protected the borders for over a hundred years and maintained an uneasy peace. But the costs have been horrendously high, with human rights abuses, public deception and harsh punitive measures. The faction's influence is also unmistakable. Their decisions changed the course of history inside and outside the walls, bringing both destruction and hope. Reluctantly, the royal government became a hotbed for heroes and revolutionaries; people who exposed their actions and fought against the regime that oppressed them. Although the reign of the monarchy was marked by fear and tyranny, it was also a crucial step that led to the greatest freedom the people achieved within its borders. It is an ironic rejection; one steeped in glory but also a spectacular revolution.