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BERSERK Universe

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Latitude[object Object]
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Postal Code4010
Location NameAlbion

Albion, also known as the Tower of Persuasion, is a religious city located at the center of the BERSERK universe. Famous for its great tower, the city is the epicenter of faith, hope and despair. The tower itself symbolizes the harsh reality of life in Albion and is a constant reminder of the collision between faith and the fate of humanity.

As described in the manga, the city of Albion reflects the social and political dynamics that prevail in the world of BERSERK. It is a place governed by religious dogma, where outsiders, usually considered heretics, often meet their deaths. But amidst this harsh reality, Albion also reflects the human will to survive and fight adversity.

Although Albion is mostly characterized by a harsh and unforgiving environment, it also has a mysterious allure that draws pilgrims and adventurers from all corners of the realm. The Great Tower, shrouded in both faith and fear, remains a beacon of people's struggle against fate.


The secluded and slightly eerie world of Albion is one of the landscapes of the BERSERK universe. This desolate place on the outskirts gives off a sense of stoic calm and terrifying tension. Albion is best known for its massive ruined tower, commonly known as the Tower of Persuasion, a place where sinners were once imprisoned and brutally tortured.
The landscape surrounding the tower is mostly barren, punctuated only by a few skeletal trees. Vegetation is sparse, creating an atmosphere of decay and decay. But don't let the apparent serenity of the landscape fool you; is a deep and disturbing past where reality and fantasy merge in a mysterious and chilling environment.
Albion is teeming with phenomena that confound even the most understanding mind. The once prosperous city experienced an invasion of evil spirits and demonic entities after the great roar of the astral world, turning Albion into an epicenter of ethereal activity.
Setting foot in Albion is like falling down a rabbit hole; reality changes dramatically and the line between the material world and the ghostly realm becomes blurred. It is a place where dreams turn into nightmares, dangers lurk, and the survival of the bravest is tested. With its eerie atmosphere, Albion represents a chilling but very fascinating environment, making it an integral part of the BERSERK universe.


A prominent location in the BERSERK universe, Albion has a dense history and central importance to the plot. It was known as a small and modest refugee camp built around the Tower of Persuasion. This tower was not just any tower; it bore the echoes of centuries of the firm hand of the Holy See and the ruthless Inquisition.
Albion's story was largely about the Tower of Persuasion and its ensuing grueling torture, false sanctities, and conspicuous bloodshed. This eerie place has attracted many refugees, mainly because of the fascinating story of the wise men imprisoned at the top of the tower. At first, the city was inhabited by heretics, pagans and people who sought solace in the constant wars. But it gradually became a haven for lost and unwanted people from all over the Midlands, all seeking safety and the miracles said to occur in the tower, in whose dark, forlorn shadow lived tens of thousands of people.
Albion's story is intertwined with spiritual suffering and longing. The city reeks of desperation seeking redemption. Albion has seen them all, from devotees and witches to heretics and fallen nobles. In addition to the deep story, Albion was also the place where Guts reunited with Casca after two long years, after a terrible blackout; making it a pivotal moment in the BERSERK universe, affecting the narrative threads that weave this beloved franchise.
But Albion also met a terrible end. An event known as the Incarnation Ceremony, caused by the Egg of the Perfect World, unleashed a gigantic wave of evil beings that eventually led to the total destruction of the city and its inhabitants. This event marked a major turning point in the plot and made Albion an indelibly important place forever etched in the chronicles of the BERSERK universe. But despite the horrific ending, Albion's memory still rings, an eerie echo of despair, hope and dramatic transformation.


Famous and recognized among other places in the vast Berserk universe, Albion's approach is both terrifying and enigmatic. Its geographical location is in the middle of a mountain range, far from any signs of civilization.
The region formed around the Tower of Persuasion, a spine that permeated the surrounding landscape, its ghostly presence casting a lasting shadow. The building was a prison and a place of execution. Stories of gruesome deaths and torture have echoed through the ages; blood seeped into stone, despair into souls, turning it into a monument of melancholy. Beneath the tower is an abandoned refugee camp created by civil unrest, natural disasters and religious oppression. The outdoor scene is as dark and haunting as the history it hides. Dying bonfires reflect the frail and short-lived hopes of asylum seekers, their wandering lives coupled with their desperate need to survive.
The monastery acts as a contrast, imbued with a quiet solemnity born of the weight of the sacred responsibility it carries. Here, priests dedicate their lives to prayer, their sacrifice inspires hope that something divine will remain in such a gloomy world. A distinctive feature of Albion's landscape is the fabled Hill of Swords. Each sword sinks into the hills and stands as a solemn tombstone in honor of fallen soldiers. Like the spine of a huge sleeping dragon, they tell the painful story of many people who fought in vain.
Although Albion is constantly shrouded in melancholy, its gloom and eerie tapestry make it a hotbed of living stories, with every corner ringing with tales of courage, sacrifice and despair. This region of the Berserk universe is based on a unique understanding of humanity's resilient spirit against the cruel and merciless hand of fate.