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Wangsheng Funeral Parlor

General Info

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Faction NameWangsheng Funeral Parlor
Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is a well-known organization in Liyue Port that emphasizes the connection with the afterlife. This group, controlled by the mysterious and mysterious Qiqi, is responsible for the smooth transition of the deceased to the next existence. It is important to note that this is not just a simple memorial service; the staff carefully prepares the rites and rituals, respecting the old traditions. The funeral hall also plays a vital role in the spiritual ecosystem of Liyue Port, calming troubled spirits and ensuring that they do not threaten the living. The common practices they follow reflect the deep-rooted beliefs of the local people, complemented by the great esoteric skills of their guide. Wangsheng Funeral Home is truly a wonderful facility that ensures peace and order between the worlds of the living and the dead.


Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is an intriguing faction in the wonderful universe of Genshin Impact. Following the orders of the adepts, the Funeral Bureau assists the recently deceased and guides them to the afterlife with honor and peace. But they are much more than the usual memorial services. Throughout Liyue Port, they are admired for their vital role in the spiritual life of the people.
They respect the Liyue culture and work closely with the local people and perform their complex and solemn duties very well. They understand the nuances of burial rituals and choose the right victims so that each spirit can find peace. Each member of the faction is familiar with ancient rituals and customs and has a deep understanding of the traditional customs surrounding death.
Wangsheng Funeral Home stands out with its unwavering commitment to preserving tradition. The faction is led by Zhongli, a respected advisor known for his wisdom and understanding of the ancient world. The tireless efforts of the funeral organizers reveal a deep respect for the natural cycle of life and death in the world of Teyvat. Their work embodies the core belief that all who pass must be bid farewell with dignity as an essential part of the natural order.
Far from being a guide to the afterlife, the funeral parlor is a complex tapestry of life, where each birth and death weaves a unique pattern. They see death not as an end, but as a new beginning, which has an indelible impact on the people and culture of Liyue Port.


Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is an exceptionally unique group in the rich and diverse universe of Genshin Impact. Located in the bustling city of Liyue, this organization occupies an extremely important place not only in people's lives, but also in the latest rituals and traditions.
Named after Wangsheng, Liyue Qixing's group of trusted Tianquan advisors, the funeral home's responsibilities extend beyond the realm of mortals. Its main purpose is to honor the departed spirits and guide them through the rich spiritual traditions of Liyue.
The funeral home is run by the vivacious and charming character Hu Tao, the organization's 77th director. The salon he runs is not a celebration of melancholy, but of life and death, intertwining in a harmonious dance. Among the widespread beliefs about the haunting and haunting nature of funeral homes, the vibrant nature of Hu Tao and Liyue cosmology make this funeral home unlike any other.
The site has long been part of many memories for the citizens of Liyue. From grand farewells for the rich and well-to-do to modest but moving services for the less fortunate, Wangsheng Funeral Home covers them all.
But this seemingly ordinary funeral home hides a deeper secret. It also serves as a checkpoint, a guardian between the material world and the afterlife. Guided by the director's vision and rituals, he helps souls pass to a peaceful rest in the afterlife.
In conclusion, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is not only an organization, but also the embodiment of Liyue's unique vision of life, death and the transition between them. It is a place of solace, a celebration of travel, and a testament to Liyue's richly intertwined cultural history and traditions. It is a pillar of social traits and reflects the refined and spiritually attuned nature of the Liyue people.

Notable Members

Member #
Hu Tao


The Wangsheng Funeral Home faction mainly operates in the ancient and ethereal city of Liyue, set against the backdrop of majestic mountains and jeweled waters. The funeral home conducts its services under the purple hues of a glittering sky, reflecting Liyue's deep connection to the traditions of mortality and the spirit's journey to the afterlife. Far from the hustle and bustle of Liyue Port Market, Wangsheng Funeral Home finds peace among the hills of the whispering wind.
Visiting a funeral home is like walking through nostalgic cobblestone streets under the canopy of a lantern-strewn sky; a truly moving reflection of the beauty of fleeting life. Next to the carefully manicured stone tombs scattered across the sleeping valleys, there is a sense of peace in the air, a stillness broken only by the distant lapping of the waves against the rocky shores. However, it is not only a spectacle, but also the cultural essence of Liyue, which includes funeral homes. Respecting the cycles of life and death, they harmonize the coexistence of man and nature, and value every departed soul. The delicate balance of grief and celebration in the funeral home interactions highlights Liyue's respect for the inevitability of the life cycle, making it an essential part of the geographical and cultural narrative.

Legacy and Impact

The legacy of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor has a great impact on the world of Genshin Impact. As the leading Liyue society, this organization is committed to ethically performing the last rites of the deceased, ensuring their respect and dignity in both the mortal and heavenly realms. The influence of the Wangsheng funeral parlor refers to the celebration of the ephemeral life and emphasizes ethical practices related to respect for the dead. Through the eyes of enigmatic filmmaker Hu Tao, The Funeral Parlor is an essential tool to maintain harmony between life and death, reflecting the complexity and unpredictability of the world. These philosophies resonate with many of Liyue's residents, cultivating a culture that cherishes life in its limited time span and respects the finitude of death. Therefore, the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor shapes Liyue's deep ideologies and social and cultural fabric, and has an indelible influence on the residents and the wider Genshin Impact universe.