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Harry Potter Universe

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Azkaban logo
Area/RegionMiddle of the North Sea
Location NameAzkaban
Azkaban, a mighty fortress, rises from the icy depths of the North Sea. It is a hostile symbol of retribution against the wizarding world in the Harry Potter universe. Built in the 15th century, it has become synonymous with the greatest fear, home to the most dangerous wizards and witches. Its most terrifying inhabitants are not humans, but dementors, foul creatures that drain human happiness, leaving behind a terrible void. No escaped convict ever survived, except for the infamous Sirius Black. Inside the cold hard walls, joy is a forgotten memory and despair is the only currency. Azkaban is a stunning example of extreme consequences in the wizarding world.


Located in the middle of the North Sea, Azkaban is a maximum security prison that goes above and beyond to incarcerate and rehabilitate the world's most violent criminals. A shroud of oppressive and eternal darkness, Azkaban has tall, slimy stone walls that surround the fortress and limit escape.
The inmates are watched in terror by monstrous Dementors, creepy, inhuman guards who use their happiness to cause despair and despair. The endless screams and screams of past victims echo through the debilitating cells, making the environment extremely terrifying.
Known for its brutal and draconian conditions, life in Azkaban demands the psychological resilience of its inmates. The prison has a notorious reputation for driving inmates insane with harsh conditions and horrible guards, often leading to death. This grim monument to the wizarding world is a stark reminder of the ease with which wizards commit crimes.
Despite much debate in the wizarding community regarding the brutal conditions and use of dementors, Azkaban continues to function as a major prison. But his ominous presence in the seas remains an ominous reminder of the darkness that pervades the wizarding world.


Infamous among witches and wizards, Azkaban is not only a prison, but also a dark symbol of wizarding history. It has existed since the 15th century and was originally an impregnable fortress isolated in the middle of the North Sea, created and intended to be populated by the original evil wizard Ecrisdis. Possessed by dark magic, Ekrizdis lured Muggle sailors to his fortress, torturing and killing them for fun. After his death, Azkaban disappeared from human consciousness due to protective dark spells.
When Ministry officials rediscovered it in the 18th century, they were horrified by the horrors within, including the presence of Dementors that plagued the island. Despite calls for destruction, Azkaban prison found supporters in its secretary, Damocles Rowle. They saw the fortress as an effective prison, an irreparable detention system for the worst criminals, and the Dementors were natural guardians.
Azkaban's history took a dark turn under Voldemort and his Death Eaters. The prison, then controlled by Voldemort's puppet minister Pius Thicknesse, housed innocent witches and wizards, often targeted for being anti-Voldemort or Muggle-born.
After the Battle of Hogwarts and the fall of Voldemort, Secretary Kingsley Shacklebolt began major reforms. Azkaban's fearsome dementor guards have been dismissed as the dark fortress has been converted into a more standard prison.
The story of Azkaban strongly reflects both the darkest depths and the resilient spirit of the wizarding world. Its existence is a reminder of the horrors of the past and at the same time indicates a constant evolution towards justice.


Azkaban is a name that makes every wizard and witch in the wizarding world shudder. The fortress is so grim and terrifying that the mere mention of it fills the room with an icy shudder. On an island in the middle of the North Sea, Azkaban was the prison of the British wizarding world for over three centuries.
But Azkaban wasn't always a prison. Its origins date back to the 15th century, when a dark wizard named Ekrizdis built it as a fortress. He used it as a hideout, luring muggle sailors to the island and torturing them. After Ekrizdi's death, the hidden spell faded and Azkaban was discovered by the Ministry of Magic. They found dementors breeding in the fortress, monstrous creatures that feed on human happiness.
Shocked but intrigued, Damocles Rowle, then Minister of Magic, decided to turn the fortress into a prison, believing that the Dementors would be a great deterrent to would-be criminals. Thus was born Azkaban, the prison. However, this decision caused great suffering for the prisoners and met with fierce opposition from ministers such as Eldritch Diggory, who proposed alternative methods. But the idea of ​​the enormous manpower and magic required to build a new prison and relocate the Dementors terrified them.
Life in Azkaban is all hopelessness and despair. Dementors drain their captives of all joy, leaving them in a state of eternal misery. There is almost no hope of escape, as Dementors are keenly aware of any hint of success or intent to escape. Only two famous wizards, Bart Crouch Jr. and Sirius Black, once managed to successfully escape from the terrible fortress. Azkaban evokes the terrible effects of dark magic.