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Shin Megami Tensei

General Info

Shin Megami Tensei logo
ArtistsKazuma Kaneko
WritersKouji Okada, Kazunari Suzuki, Ginichiro Suzuki
Game NameShin Megami Tensei
ComposersTsukasa Masuko
LanguagesJapanese, English
Directed ByKouji Okada
Release Date1992-10-30
Game PlatformsSuper Famicom, Mega-CD, PlayStation, Game Boy Advance, iOS, Android
Publisher NameAtlus
Country of OriginJapan
Publishers Websiteshttps://atlus.com/
Shin Megami Tensei is an addictive game series created with a fusion of ancient mythology and futuristic themes. Basically, the series revolves around the typical battle between chaos and order. Players find themselves in a dystopian environment where they shape their own destiny through deep moral choices. Compelling stories, complex characters, and complex gameplay systems enhance the immersive RPG experience. At the heart of the excitement of the game are the demonic companions. Entities from various mythologies can be traded, tamed, and aided in battle. Your decisions determine their loyalty and can change the course of the game. Shin Megami Tensei is a unique and deep narrative journey that stands apart from the rough structure of the cosmos. An unforgettable journey that puts players at the heart of an epic space battle where they have the power to shape global history.


'Shin Megami Tensei' game screenshots
'Shin Megami Tensei' game screenshots
'Shin Megami Tensei' game screenshots
'Shin Megami Tensei' game screenshots
'Shin Megami Tensei' game screenshots
'Shin Megami Tensei' game screenshots


Shin Megami Tensei is the quintessential post-apocalyptic RPG series from Atlus that made a big impact on the genre with its radical themes and complex, mature storytelling. Rooted in a blend of Eastern and Western traditions, mythologies and philosophical concepts, the game asks players to grapple with moral conflicts and philosophical dilemmas.
In the game, players roam a world ravaged by post-apocalyptic events to encounter and recruit numerous demons and gods. As the player travels through warped dimensions and ravaged landscapes, these creatures can be traded, merged, or fought. Press Turn's strategic combat system adds tactical depth to encounters with these creatures, rewarding and punishing the player based on their understanding and manipulation of various combat elements such as weaknesses, resistances, and turn order. The series' customization system, with choices between Law, Chaos, and Neutral, allows players to significantly shape the story and the world around them. Every decision counts, so exploring multiple matches is a rewarding experience. The Shin Megami Tensei series is not your typical RPG. It's a dark and unsettling experience that dares to challenge the player's view of the world and keep them guessing at every turn.



Shin Megami Tensei enthralls players with a challenging and addictive gameplay that creatively combines elements of traditional RPGs and strategy games. Navigation works from a first-person perspective in the mythical dungeons and landscapes of Tokyo. This fusion of ancient folklore and modern urban life makes for an incredibly immersive gaming experience.
At its core, Shin Megami Tensei is a fighting game that pits players and their demon teams against various mythical creatures. A unique feature that definitely defines the game is the negotiation with these aliens. Unlike regular RPGs, players are given the option to talk to enemies instead of just fighting them. These dialogues can have various results, including becoming allies with demons or obtaining items.
Another fascinating part of the game is the concept of Demon Fusion. Players can combine two or more of their demon allies to form a stronger entity. This aspect feeds into the strategic elements of the game, as players must make careful decisions about which demons to fuse and when. While Shin Megami Tensei is about a deep story, there is a strong focus on exploration and puzzles. Navigating through mazes, finding hidden paths and solving puzzles to overcome obstacles all contribute to an intriguing and challenging environment where players can control their character.
One element that greatly increases the appeal of the game is its multiple endings. Unlike linear narratives, the decisions players make during gameplay can lead to different outcomes, giving the story different twists and endings. This feature adds a lot of replay value to the game and makes each journey unique. In short, the addictive nature of Shinami Megami Tensei's gameplay comes from a successful combination of RPG aspects and strategic gameplay elements, a complex storyline full of choices, and a unique negotiation system that sums up a unique gameplay experience.

Gameplay video


Shin Megami Tensei immerses players in a post-apocalyptic era in Tokyo, where the collapse of the world is not the end, but a new and challenging beginning. As the main character, an unnamed young high school student, you are guided through a complex story woven with complex threads of moral ambiguity and difficult choices.
On a typical day, the main character receives a mysterious program on his home computer. Unbeknownst to him, the program is a devil summoning program. Soon after, a devastating apocalypse hits Tokyo, turning the city into a demon-infested wasteland. Through the Devil Summoning program, the protagonist gains the power to communicate, negotiate, and recruit these demons to fight alongside him.
The plot of the game is deeply rooted in philosophical and ethical dilemmas. As the main character, you are repeatedly faced with compelling moral decisions that shift the balance of a three-way ideological war between different factions who want to remake the world as they see fit. Different storylines lead to multiple endings depending on the choices you make in the game.
In this harsh new world, inhabited by gods and demons from various mythologies, survival depends solely on your choices and relationships with these supernatural beings. The dynamic story, strategic battle system and deep demon fusion mechanics make Shin Megami Tensei more than just a game, but also a journey of self-discovery in a black and white amoral world.


The development of Shin Megami Tensei is an important moment in the history of the gaming industry. The developers created a surreal mix of post-apocalyptic scenarios, philosophical dilemmas, and religious iconography based on a traditional RPG foundation. The developers were originally inspired by the Devil's Tale digital novels, which inspired the concept of this iconic series that changed the face of RPGs forever.
The game required a lot of attention to detail, pushing the boundaries of 90s gaming technology. Taking an unconventional approach, the developers introduced a matching system, a branching narrative, and multiple endings that were revolutionary at the time. This decision was not without risk, as it relied heavily on player choice and deviated from the usual paradigms of traditional storytelling.
The development of Shin Megami Tensei also featured a bold approach to visual aesthetics. It introduced players to a dark and mature universe set in a destroyed Tokyo; it was a departure from the fantasy settings that dominated RPGs at the time. The moody and atmospheric game design contributed greatly to the uniquely unsettling and isolating gameplay experience.
Working closely behind the scenes, the development team had to deal with the complex themes of religion and philosophy, ensuring that they were respectfully represented in the game without dilution. This balance made the game intellectually challenging and interesting.
To date, the development of Shinami Megami Tensei is a case study in game design that has dared to tackle controversial themes, present complex moral dilemmas, and push the boundaries of narrative exploration in video games. It's a lasting testament to the limitless realms that video games can explore as a medium.


The highly anticipated Shin Megami Tensei V developed by Atlus has been officially released in 2021. November 12 Exclusive to Nintendo Switch, this powerful RPG is the first major entry in the Megami Tensei series to be released in high quality. Fans have been eagerly awaiting this episode since its announcement in 2017.
Set in a post-apocalyptic world, Shin Megami Tensei V players assume the role of a high school student who becomes a divine being known as "Nahobino". The complex storyline combined with the unique demon negotiation and fusion system provides an enchanting and deep gameplay experience that will delight returning players and newcomers alike.
The release was critically acclaimed for its stunning visuals, intricate character designs, engaging narrative, and rich gameplay. The game's exploration of deep themes of morality, identity, and introspection received critical acclaim, further cementing the Megami Tensei series' reputation for thought-provoking content.
Shin Megami Tensei V marks a major turning point for the series as it perfectly blends the traditional elements that fans have come to know and love with new features that add to its appeal. It's a testament to the franchise's pioneering spirit as it continues to redefine the boundaries of the Japanese RPG genre.


Shin Megami Tensei received critical acclaim and was recognized as a standout in the RPG genre. Critics enjoyed the dark, post-apocalyptic setting and new traditional RPG elements. The tactics-based combat system has been praised for being intricately designed and giving players plenty of strategic options during encounters. Demon negotiation and fusion mechanics added depth to the game, encouraging exploration and experimentation.
Another point of praise was the game's story, praised for its moral ambiguity and thought-provoking themes. Branching storylines influenced by player choices have been known to improve replayability. Shin Megami Tensei's ethical dilemmas, which often lacked a clear right or wrong solution, were distinguished by their emotional richness and complexity.
However, the game was not without rivals. Some found the graphics to be dated, even for the time, and the plot to be overly complicated at times. However, these niggles did not overshadow the game's positive aspects, resulting in a generally favorable review from critics and players alike. In retrospect, Shin Megami Tensei is widely regarded as a classic in gaming history, often cited as one of the best RPGs of its time. Its continued popularity has spawned several additional titles that reflect its significant impact on the gaming landscape. His legacy continues to influence modern game design, marking his continued relevance in the industry.

Cultural impact

Shin Megami Tensei has definitely left an undeniable mark on the gaming world, and its influence is not limited to Japan. With its unique blend of mythological themes, dystopian settings, and thought-provoking tales of moral ambiguity, Shin Megami Tensei shaped the narrative styles and gameplay mechanics of a video game generation.
Shin Megami Tensei's use of myths and legends from various cultures adds to its appeal around the world. The demon fusion system incorporates mythology from around the world into the game mechanics, fueling intrigue and teaching players about global myths. Character designs and backgrounds are inspired by real-world architecture and fashion, making the dystopian setting unique and adding another layer of authenticity to the story. The franchise's philosophy of moral ambiguity and its branching narrative model were particularly influential. Unlike most RPGs where the player character is usually a self-sacrificing hero, Shin Megami Tensei often places the protagonist in a morally complex situation. The choice between law, chaos or neutrality and the consequences of those choices add depth to the game and reflect the complexities of true morality. This design move changed the story and choice systems of video games, reinforcing the idea that player choices should have a significant impact.
The cultural impact of the music of the Shin Megami Tensei series cannot be underestimated. The franchise's music, composed by Shoji Meguro and others, has a distinctive style that blends rock, electronica, and orchestral music, often setting the tone for the game's dramatic moments. The music has struck a chord with large audiences, and the songs are regularly performed live in concerts, a testament to the show's cultural influence.
The continued popularity and influence of Shin Megami Tensei in the nearly 30 years since its introduction proves its enduring relevance. The unique combination of narrative, stylistic presence and game mechanics continues to inspire developers and captivate players, highlighting the significant cultural impact of the gaming environment.