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Metal Gear Universe

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Big Shell Incident

General Info

Big Shell Incident logo
Event NameBig Shell Incident
The Big Shell Incident, infamously known as the Tank Incident, was a monumental event in the annals of the Metal Gear universe. In a daring act of terrorism, the Dead Cell group hijacked the Big Shell, a large offshore treatment plant. The basis of their demand was the exorbitant ransom of $30 billion, and failure to pay, they threatened, would result in a catastrophic explosion large enough to destroy the Manhattan waterfront. New FOXHOUND agent Raiden has been sent on his first undercover mission. Tasked with not only freeing the hostages, but also neutralizing the terrorist threat, the operation shook the foundations of Raiden's beliefs and turned the tide of power in world politics.


The Metal Gear universe is a complex web of military intrigue, pseudo-historical events, and futuristic technology. Created by Hideo Kojima, this popular video game series revolves around an elite secret agent named Solid Snake. Snake is often sent on dangerous missions that use the titular military weapon Metal Gear, a bipedal, nuclear tank capable of delivering a nuclear warhead anywhere in the world.

In addition to being an overarching tale of complex military machinations, the story is also deeply philosophical, exploring themes such as the morality of war, the impact of technology on society, and the depth of the human will. Throughout the series, players are immersed in a wonderfully detailed world that weaves an unforgettable, action-packed storyline with layered characters and twists.

In addition, the game in the Metal Gear universe was praised for its innovative approach to stealth mechanics, which greatly influenced subsequent video game projects in the genre. This unique combination of great storytelling and innovative gameplay cements the Metal Gear series as one of the most influential game franchises in the industry.