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Metal Gear Universe

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The Patriots

General Info

The Patriots logo
Faction NameThe Patriots
Also known as La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo, the Patriots are an enigmatic and all-powerful entity that rules the United States from the shadows of the Metal Gear universe. This secret organization, founded after the fall of the Philosophers, wields enormous influence and directs major world events by controlling information and technology. The main goal of Patriots is to reinforce the interpretation of the American dream by trying to manage the world according to the concept of context management. Their story, full of conspiratorial overtones, is the basis of the series, and their existence and deeds are often hidden behind a multi-layered veil of mystery. Their presence in the saga creates tension and intrigue, opening the way for deep discussions about the concepts of power, control and destiny. Whether you see them as the villains calling the shots or the unseen hand that keeps the world in balance, the Patriots definitely shape the world of Metal Gear.


Also known as La Li Lu Le Lo, the Patriots represent a mysterious and powerful shadowy organization submerged in the Metal Gear universe. Originating as a secret group dedicated to determining the fate of the world, their immense influence is reflected throughout the game's many timelines.
Founded by the iconic Big Boss and his compatriots after World War II, this faction was originally driven by noble intentions. However, their mission to shape the world according to the will of the Boss eventually turned into a hunger for absolute control. Patriots engaged in various complex machinations involving economics, politics, technology and military power to achieve this dictatorial goal. Deeply intertwined with the public, the Patriots launched massive disinformation campaigns. This has led to many conspiracy theories trying to disguise their existence. The phrase "La Li Lu Le Lo", its equivalent, acted as a cipher for information manipulation and further demonstrated their universal control over society.
The Patriot's penchant for dominance led to the creation of the SOP (Sons of the Patriots) system and artificial intelligence networks to regulate all aspects of life. But their overreliance on automation eventually sowed the seeds of their downfall. The story of The Patriots is a dark commentary on the dangers of unchecked authority, affecting every character in the Metal Gear series and setting the stage for an intense story of espionage, betrayal and redemption.


The Patriots, also known as La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo, were a mysterious and enigmatic organization that existed behind the scenes of the Metal Gear universe. Their influence continued into the early 20th century, where their roots began in the Committee of the Wise, a group that took control of the global economy.
As power has passed from president to president, the ghostly presence of patriots has shaped history, from secretly fomenting major world events to manipulating the outcome of wars. Their existence remained largely unknown until much later in the series.
The legacy of the philosopher, the vast wealth accumulated during the Second World War, was the basis of the origin of the patriots. Their training center involved three main characters: Zero, Big Boss, and Ocelot. Taking advantage of the legacy, Zero founded the Patriots to implement his vision of world order based on his interpretation of the Boss's will.
Due to ideological differences, Big Boss was separated from the patriots, leading to a secret war between the two sides. The Patriots then started Project Les Enfants Terribles, which gave birth to Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake. These individuals unwittingly played a central role in the sophisticated manipulation of patriots that shaped the future of warfare and world politics. Over time, the Patriots evolved into a network of artificial intelligence subtly monitoring world affairs to ensure their concept of controlled freedom was implemented. This led to events such as the Big Shell crash and the war economy, further illustrating their near-omnipotent control of global events.
The Patriots remained a major but unseen force throughout the series, their true identity and motivations shrouded in mystery. However, their actions and decisions continued to reverberate on the world stage, giving a sense of their existence long after their actual death. Even in death, the shadow of the patriots hung over the world, their ideology lived on in the actions of those they manipulated.

Notable Members

Member #
Major Zero (David Oh)
Big Boss (John)
Para-Medic (Dr. Clark)
Sigint (Donald Anderson)
Ocelot (Adamska)
EVA (Tatyana)
Liquid Snake (Eli)
Solidus Snake (George Sears)
Solid Snake (David)


The Patriots, a mysterious group in the Metal Gear universe, rule from the shadows, unbound by any particular geographic location. However, their influence permeates the global socio-political landscape and implements a "war economy" in several regions. Installed in secret locations, their AI controls America's nuclear arsenal, military network, and mass communications machinery. They establish Arsenal Gear, a sunken fortress, under the Hudson River in New York. The Big Shell, a treatment facility in Manhattan, is hiding a new Arsenal Gear in development called the Outer Haven. This self-contained fortress floats in international waters like a liquid fortress of the patriots, symbolizing that their dominance is not limited by borders. A patriot often manipulates events by using existing political boundaries to his advantage. Patriot's range is huge and reaches every corner of the world. Their prevalence is reflected in the constant and invisible control of multinational companies and corporations, making the world truly their playground.

Legacy and Impact

The Patriots, the enigmatic shadow organization of the Metal Gear universe, have left an indelible mark on the franchise's history. Through its manipulation of world events and the theme of governance, Patriots has influenced the underlying story and moral of many games in the series. The group's plans are an inspiring commentary on the disturbing extent of power, surveillance, and the nature of free will. Their existence led to complex storylines that kept players on the edge of their seats. Additionally, their mysterious presence has sparked many theories and debates among fans, cementing their legacy in the gaming community. Ultimately, Patriots' clever plots and the philosophical questions they raise fleshed out Metal Gear's story, proving that video game storytelling and characterization can be just as complex as any other form of entertainment.