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Boros Legion

General Info

Boros Legion logo
Faction NameBoros Legion
The Legion of Boros is a valuable guild in the Ravnica area. Representing a powerful synergy of law and violence, the Legion of Boros is a red/white guild made up of many creatures in Ravnica: angels, humans, minotaurs, goblins, and more. They are guided by an unwavering sense of justice and discipline. The fire of justice and the hammer of law are their emblems and the city's first line of defense against disorder and chaos. Known for their armor and massive fortress, the guild's fervor and zeal is reflected in their determination to resist threats seen and unseen. In the service of Commander and Radiant Warlord Aurelia, the Legion of Boros proves that the sting of justice for the wicked and lawless is never too hard. Whether it's a vast metropolis or the heavenly kingdom of Agyrem, the Legion of Boros stands guard and sacrifices everything for the rule of Ravnica.


The Legion of Boros is one of the ten guilds that form the backbone of the great city world of Ravnica in the Magic: The Gathering universe. Named after its founder, the powerful angel Aurelia, the guild embodies rugged righteousness, strict order, and fiery determination.

As a military force, the Legion of Boros maintains its strict discipline and strategic prowess from its lower ranks to its high angelic lieutenants. This strict order reflects the guild's unwavering commitment to justice in Ravnica, to ensure peace through their beliefs and the sharp edge of their sword.

Guild members include angels, humans, minotaurs, and goblins, each with a unique power to contribute to the Legion's cause. Their legendary zeal unites them all, fueling an unwavering courage in battle and a desire to see justice done. They believe that honor is earned by actions and must be sacrificed to protect the greater good.

The architectural prowess of the Boros Legion is epitomized by Sunhome, a shining fortress bathed in golden light that serves as a beacon of unwavering determination amid the chaos and uncertainty of Ravnica. Here, discussions of war strategy seamlessly intertwine with religious sermons emphasizing the guild's commitment to the twin pillars of order and faith.

The Legion of Boros is more than a guild. It is a beacon, a call to arms, and an unwavering testament to the power of conviction. Here live the brave, the righteous, and those willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good.


The Legion of Boros is a fighting faction in the MTG universe, the epitome of order, discipline, and fiery passion. The Legion of Boros, born from the fusion of red and white magic, are the law enforcers of Ravnica's town square.
Founded by Archangel Parun Razia, known for his fiery spirit and fierce determination, the Legion of Boros seeks to bring justice and restore harmony to Ravnica. They believe that the path to peace is strength, and their vision of a balanced world is achieved through the strict application of divine law and justice.

The Legion of Boros is structured as a militaristic hierarchy with angels leading the ranks. They are the faction's visionaries and moral compass. Among them are representatives of Boros guilds, who serve as leaders on the battlefield and rally their troops with powerful magic.

The faction consists of soldiers and knights who are the epitome of fearlessness and strength, and an army that wields impressive battle magic. The Boros also recruit minotaurs, goblins, and giants and offer them a place in their legion if they uphold the Boro's principles of order and justice.

Their architecture reflects their ideals, towering fortresses of perfectly symmetrical design, each stone having purpose and meaning. The Sunhome, the home of the Boros guild, is a symbol of their power, designed to be impervious to enemies.

Throughout Ravnica's history, the Legion of Boros has always been a staunch defender against threats, both internal and external. Their determination often brings them into conflict with other factions, most notably the Azorian Senate, who they see as overbearing bureaucratic enforcers, and the Rakdos Cult, whose hedonistic and chaotic ways run counter to every tenet of Boros.

Through periods of war, strife, failure, and victory, the Legion of Boros remains steadfast and determined in its pursuit of justice and peace. Despite their aggressive means, their ultimate goal remains to create harmony in Ravnica, a testament to their noble and steadfast spirit. A fusion of order and action, the Boros Legion is a powerful beacon of light and flame on the plane of Ravnica.

Notable Members

Member #
Agrus Kos
Tajic, Legion's Edge
Feather, the Redeemed
Parhelion II
Warleader's Helix
Swiftblade Vindicator
Deafening Clarion
Justice Strike
Light of the Legion
Chance for Glory
Response / Resurgence


The Legion of Boros occupies one of the most complex geographical locations in Ravnica, spanning the entire plane. Like the Legion itself, this compound's territory consists largely of rigid military structures, massive barracks, fortified walls, vast training grounds, and massive watchtowers. Sunhome Fortress embodies the spirit of Boros. Filled with white and red mana, it glows with immense majesty, forming an impregnable bastion for the Boros and a beacon of inspiration for the downtrodden masses. The geography also extends into the sky and is home to elite Skyjek units that patrol the skies. But amid the stark militaristic terrains are trappings of grandeur, from the Guild Pact Archives to the colorful parapets that reflect the setting sun. This desolate landscape, in all its iron glory, represents not only functionality, but an eternal statement of the Legion's unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of peace and justice.

Legacy and Impact

The Legion of Boros left an indelible impression on the plane of Ravnica. Comprised of hardened soldiers, angels, and wizards, the Legion zealously upholds justice and order, making them an unrelenting force that greatly shaped the history of Ravnica.
The legacy of the Boros Legion is one of heroic deeds and mighty battles, inspiring the populace with equal parts respect and fear. Their unwavering commitment to peace often clashed with their militaristic methods, causing great tension with other corporations. But Boros' conviction and fortitude in the face of adversity proved crucial to Ravnica's survival through many crises. The influence of the Boros was not limited to war: their focus on justice and duty made them champions of the weak and outcast. Their leaders, like the towering angel Aurelia and the tough Tajik soldier, are beloved figures in the communities they serve. Their legacy, though tumultuous and fraught with discord, is a beacon of determination and hope in the chaotic politics of Ravnica.