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Nanatsu no Taizai Universe

Awaiting Claim

Ten Commandments

General Info

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Faction NameTen Commandments
In the world of Nanatsu no Taizai, the Ten Commandments are an exceptionally powerful group of warriors who serve directly to the Demon King. Each member of this famous faction is given a specific order that can curse anyone who disobeys it. With their immense strength, they are feared by allies and enemies alike. The power of each order rests on their unique curses, which represent the perversion of the virtues they are named after. Their raw skill and strength is enough to shake the very foundations of the kingdoms they face. From Zeldr's ruthless "Piousness" to Galand's seemingly innocent "Truth", each fully embodies their order. Their different personalities and unmatched skills add up to the wonderful complexity of the Nanatsu no Taizai universe. Their battle against the seven sins forms the backbone of this thrilling saga. The Ten Commandments are more than just enemies: they are the wheels that determine the complexity and depth of the story.


The Ten Commandments are the most influential and powerful Demon Clan warriors in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe who serve directly under the ruler of the Demon King. Each member has a unique "order," a powerful curse placed upon them by the Demon King that triggers if certain rules are broken during combat or social interactions.
These military elites embody the raw power and diverse abilities of their race, from incredible regenerative abilities to manifesting illusions, harnessing the dark elements, and more. While their power is feared by various races and clans throughout the series, their loyalties often conflict, creating a complex web of adversarial alliances that greatly drives the plot.
Despite their brutal and ruthless demeanor, each member has unique stories and emotional arcs that add to their depth as characters and appeal to audiences. Their strengths and weaknesses determine the tides of war in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe, making them an integral part of the dynamic story.


The Ten Commandments Saga, a massive faction of the Nanatsu no Taizai universe, spans thousands of years. As the Demon King's most trusted servants, these elite warriors carry curses that reflect the ordinances named after them, granting each a unique and devastating ability.
Once upon a time, this evil group wreaked havoc across Britain. Their reign of terror ended when they were imprisoned by the Goddess Clan during the ancient Holy War. More than three thousand years later, Hendrickson unleashed the Ten Commandments, ushering in a new age of fear and destruction in Britain. They sought to reclaim the land they once ruled, fulfilling the Demon King's wishes for utter chaos and destruction.
Each member of the Ten Commandments possesses a fraction of the Demon King's power, making them nearly invincible against mere mortals. Their age varies, but their instinct to conquer and destroy is insatiable. Many have been defeated, but their terrible legacy continues to reverberate throughout the kingdom, a reminder of all the darkness that once engulfed their land.
Moreover, some commandments demonstrated redemptive potential, challenging common misconceptions about their nature and purpose. Meliod and Zeldris, despite their Original Demon origins, sacrificed themselves to protect those they loved, marking a paradigm shift in the faction's history. Their stories convey the message that regardless of power or background, one's destiny is not irrevocably bound.
In short, the story of the Ten Commandments is a thrilling epic of power, darkness, betrayal, and redemption that adds depth and complexity to the Nanatsu no Taizai universe. Whether remembered as villains or misunderstood characters, their story continues to captivate audiences and promises to leave a lasting legacy in the annals of Britain.

Notable Members

Member #


The Ten Commandments, a faction of the powerful Demon Clan, hail from the Demon World, a dimension separate from the world of the living in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe. This world turns out to be a desolate, rocky and barren landscape littered with countless crevasses and ridges. It has an ominous and deep red sky, which adds to its terrifying presence.
The Demon World is the stronghold of the Ten Commandments. It consists of vast tracts of land filled with dangerous areas and demonic fauna. The infrastructure is magnificent, reflecting the aesthetic of its demonic inhabitants. The architecture is stamped with their distinctive style, fierce yet refined, conveying their power and culture.
At the center of the Demon World is the Demon King's Castle, home of the Ten Commandments. This giant fortress on a giant rock dominates the entire world. Twisted towers combined with a commanding appearance inspire fear and awe. This is where the Ten Commandments strategize, train, and live, oozing power and plotting their march to dominance in all realms.
The geography of the Ten Commandments has an otherworldly appeal. This is a testament to their resilience and adaptability and highlights the raw brutality of the Demon Clan. This geography plays an important role in shaping the history of the Ten Commandments in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe, portraying them as formidable enemies in a grand world.

Legacy and Impact

The Ten Commandments, the elite warriors of the Demon Clan in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe, have left an indelible mark on their colleagues and fans. Their immense power and the moral constraints governing their actions greatly increased the seriousness of the conspiracies in which they were involved. They also influenced the course of several important events, most notably the Holy War. Each member of the Ten Commandments contributed unique abilities and personality traits, creating conflicts and alliances that complicated the plot. Spectacular battles against the Seven Deadly Sins brought the show's fighting dynamics to life, leaving viewers in suspense. Despite being antagonistic, The Ten Commandments have gained interest and empathy from fans due to their different story and moral struggle. They are important not only to the excitement and tension of the series, but also to shaping a deeper discourse about power, morality, and redemption. Through its legacy, the Ten Commandments reinforced the multifaceted nature of the Nanatsu no Taizai universe.