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Nanatsu no Taizai Universe

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Britannia logo
CountryUnited Kingdom
Latitude[object Object]
Longitude[object Object]
Location NameBritannia
The main setting of the Nanatsu no Taizai universe, Britannia is a vast and fascinating kingdom that is home to notable characters such as the Seven Deadly Sins. Adorned with numerous kingdoms such as Lyons, Danafor, and Camelot, Britain is a vast and diverse land of crystalline rivers, towering mountain ranges, and lush, fertile lands. It is home to a variety of species including humans, giants, fairies and demons that embody an intriguing fusion of myth and reality. An important landmark, the Lion Kingdom is the center of British power, religion and military. This realm is steeped in rich folklore and legend, with tales of sacred treasures and mythical creatures deeply woven into its fabric. Despite its peaceful beauty, Britain is often characterized by conflict, caused by clans and species struggling for power. But these conflicts pave the way for brave deeds and epic battles, capturing the fascinating essence of Nanatsu no Taizai's story.


Britain is a vast continent in the Nanatsu no Taizai universe, filled with a variety of unique races and incredible landscapes. Home to the infamous Seven Deadly Sins, this land astounds all who see it with its vast plains, towering mountains, and mysterious forests that create as much diversity as its inhabitants.
With numerous kingdoms and territories such as Lyons, Camelot and Edinburgh, Britannia reveals layers of complex history, some scarred as fallen kingdoms and others shining as the castles of a reigning monarchy. The Castle of Lions reflects the majesty of kings, queens and brave Holy Knights.
But Britain is not all symbols of power and indomitable will. Exude an air of enchantment in places like the Fairy King's Forest, a place steeped in tranquility and ethereal charm. Mythical creatures such as a talking pig and a celestial spirit populate this land, bringing to life stories that once existed only in legend.
In addition to the wonders of nature and architecture, a mixture of cultures spread, brought by humans, giants, fairies and goddesses, harmoniously living in space, each with its own traditions and values. In Britain, where chivalry, strength, wisdom and magic collide, incredible adventures take place against the backdrop of epic sagas and battles.
Britannia is a world shrouded in mystery, adventure and timeless beauty that reflects the spirit of Nanatsu no Taizai. At every turn, it promises legendary stories of heroism, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of truth and justice.


A vast and varied land east of Camelot, Britain has a rich history, steeped in both myth and reality.

According to the oldest records, Britain was blessed by the gods themselves, a land full of natural wealth and resources. This divine blessing sets Britain apart as home to many races and creatures, including giants, fairies, humans, and even a massive race of demons. These races have lived in harmony for many generations and each has contributed in a unique way to the development and prosperity of Great Britain.

One of the most extraordinary episodes in British history revolves around the legendary Holy War. Resentful of the Demon King's rule, the Goddess Clan formed an alliance called the Stigma with other races to counter the terror of the Demon Clan. The war wrought unimaginable destruction, tearing Britain apart and leaving scars that would last for millennia. After a brutal and merciless war, the Stigma Alliance managed to capture the Demon Clan and restore the fragile peace on earth.

The aftermath of the Holy War marked a major shift in British power dynamics. Humans, once the weakest of the races, rose, founded several kingdoms, and acquired vast territories. Among them, the Lion Kingdom emerged as a powerful entity with skilled knights and a formidable ruler. However, peace was tenuous and challenges soon arose from within, leading to internal discord and power struggles.

Despite the turmoil that has marked its history, Britain remains a land steeped in a rich mix of cultures and traditions, stubbornly resisting the pull of oblivion. From ancient forests inhabited by fairies to towering mountains inhabited by giants, Britain remains a testament to life's resilience and audacity. Filled with stories of heroism, betrayal, love and despair, Britain's history is as vast and varied as the country itself, a tapestry of stories that interweave to create a land that is truly larger than life.



Great Britain, the charming land of the intriguing universe of Nanatsu no Taizai, is a diverse and majestic kingdom with vast landscapes. The land has a mysterious allure with its meadows, mountains, forests, lakes and cities, each telling a unique tale of enchantment.

Britain, or the 'Kingdom of Love', has grown over the centuries into a thriving multicultural region filled with mystical creatures such as fairies, giants and humans. Every creature and culture has shaped Britain, making this kingdom a melting pot of magical uniqueness.

But Britain is not just a port of peace. This is a country where power is the basis of survival. The kingdoms of Lions, Danafor, Edinburgh, Camelot and other realms are inhabited by several clans, each of which has a power incomprehensible to man. The Saints of the Seven Deadly Sins are Britain's last defenders, rising as hope in the darkest of times.

Interestingly, Britain is the presence of purgatory for its mystical atmosphere; The Demon King's realm, located in the heart of Britannia. This makes it a land of confluence, where the line between good and evil is often blurred.

Britain has it all: from vast green landscapes to ancient ruins, from tranquil lakes to bustling flea markets. It is a place where old traditions go hand in hand with new developments. It is a place where strength, courage, love and hope paint a living landscape of life. In the universe of The Seven Deadly Sins, Britain remains a symbol of enchanting charm and staying power.
