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The Continent

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Location NameThe Continent
The continent is a vast area of ​​the Witcher universe, home to a variety of climates, geographies, and species. As part of a larger unknown world, it is known simply as "the world" by the main population. With high mountain ranges, wide rivers, dense forests, vast deserts and frozen tundra, the diversity is unparalleled. Scattered across these diverse landscapes are free kingdoms, principalities, principalities, and cities, each with its own unique culture, history, and political structure. Its inhabitants include humans, elves, dwarves and dwarves, as well as a variety of benign and hostile monsters. Despite the many dangers, it is a place of great adventures, legendary heroes and interesting stories. Every corner of the continent hides secrets to be discovered, stories to be told. United by the common threats they face, the nations of the continent continue their struggle for survival and power.


The continent as seen in The Witcher universe is a vast, diverse and exciting world, filled with a rich mythology and populated by countless creatures, races and kingdoms. The continent inhabited by humans, elves, dwarves and other mythical creatures is not a homogeneous country, but a collection of several historically and culturally very different regions.
The stomping ground of the White Wolf himself, Geralt of Rivia, the Northern Kingdoms are a collection of warring monarchies known for their extremely cold climate, rugged hills, and dense forests full of monsters. The Southern Hemisphere primarily includes the powerful kingdom of Nilfgaard, characterized by thriving cities and infamous political intrigue.
In the heart of the continent runs the great Pontar River, a lifeline that integrates and mitigates conflicts between northern and southern states. Within this vast landscape lies the heart of the Witcher saga: the struggle for power, survival, acceptance and the consequences of choice.
Even on land, there are amazing supernatural sites to see, such as Aen Elle Tir ná Lia and the elusive forest of Brokylon, home to dryads. Witch schools, magical academies, places of power, and mythical creatures all make the continent an exciting and dangerous world that embodies the true spirit of the Witcher universe. As you travel from Redan, the capital of Novigrad, to the crumbling suburbs, it's hard to resist the pull of the continent. So be careful, because as the witches say, "Evil is evil, lesser, greater, mean... All the same."


The continent is the fascinating landscape of The Witcher universe, steeped in myth, legend, and deep-rooted history. This land was formed more than a thousand years before the events of the Witcher series, and its early history remains dark, decorated with tales of mythical creatures and ancient folk tales.
The continent was inhabited by non-human races - the most ancient races - goblins, dwarves and elves. Gnomes and dwarves lived in the mountains and deep in the earth, while the elves, attached to their love of the outdoors and nature, made the plains and forests their home.
An era of peace reigned until the Conjunction of the Spheres, a cataclysmic multidimensional event that brought an influx of dark creatures into the realm: dire beasts, vampires, graves, werewolves, and most importantly, humans. Gradually, humans with critical minds and insatiable ambitions established themselves on the continent, leading to the marginalization of the non-human races.
The rise of humanity was marked by the founding of the northern kingdoms and their southern counterparts, the Nilfgaardian Empire. This period of the continent's history was full of constant wars, political machinations and frequent coups. The Northern Kingdoms and the Nilfgaardian Empire emerged as powerful adversaries, often engaged in merciless wars for supremacy on the continent.
Most important in the history of the continent is the arrival of witches. Created for merciless and often deadly ordeals, Witchers are expert beast hunters who battle the monsters that roam freely across the continent due to the conjunction. Their contributions have been woven into many anthologies, witches are both feared and respected for their extraordinary powers and abilities.
The story of the continent is about power, survival, and the never-ending struggle between humans, non-humans, and the nightmarish monsters that inhabit this world. It is a story that gave birth to legends and heroes that forever determined the course of their universe. From the high palaces of the elves to the vast realm of humanity, every corner of this land tells of bravery, treachery, magic, and carnage—a vivid history etched on the canvases of time.


The vast landscape of the Witcher universe, the continent is teeming with numerous kingdoms, free cities, and isolated communities, each spawning deep folklore and history. Touched by both natural and supernatural features, the landscape highlights the vast diversity that thrives within.
Centuries of human, non-human and magical presence have etched an intriguing cultural mosaic on it. Norway's Skellige Islands reflect the strong warrior spirit of its inhabitants, Nilfgaard emphasizes the ruthless nature of political games and power, and Redania evokes the coexistence of orthodoxy and the occult. The grandeur of Novigrad and Oxenfurt contrasts with the mysterious and isolated marshes of Velen and the forgotten mining towns of Mahakam. Home to many species, including humans, elves, dryads, dwarves, and countless other magical creatures, the continent is a conflicting canvas of harmony and conflict. The humans, a relatively new population, are constantly asserting their dominance, creating racial tensions that add a somber note to the rich tapestry of the landscape.
The continent is also a battleground due to the constant tension between the northern kingdoms and the southern kingdom of Nilfgaard. As they battle for dominance, their political game drives a discourse of morality, power and justice that often spills over into the streets and disrupts the peaceful balance of even the remotest village.
Additionally, the veil that separates the Continent from the mortal "Otherworld" often thins, allowing monstrous creatures to invade the physical realm. This requires witches, skilled monster hunters like Geralt of Rivia, to travel among human settlements in search of coins for these abominations.
Ironically, this constant existential threat overshadows the continent's softer side of romance, friendship and beauty. Continent celebrates life and death, power and powerlessness, love and hate, the epitome of the contrasting journey we call 'existence'. That's how true Andrezej Sapokowski is that the world doesn't necessarily need magic to be magical; it just has to be real, in all its majesty and misery.