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World of Warcraft Universe

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Kul Tiras

General Info

Kul Tiras logo
Area/RegionGreat Sea
CountryEastern Kingdoms
Location NameKul Tiras
Alternate NameIsland of Kul Tiras
Kul Tyr, an island kingdom deep in the oceans of the Great Sea, is a maritime stronghold of the Alliance. Once famous for its powerful navy, this seafaring bastion has withstood trials and tribulations over the years. The ravages of World War II drove him off the continent, and more recent threats spurred him to fight back against the forces of evil. Kul Tir is known for its towering cliffs, verdant pastures, and beautiful city-like settlements. Rugged and sturdy, its inhabitants are as resilient as the rugged coastline they call home. They cherish their maritime culture with unparalleled fervor and replicate it in every aspect of life, from the rich folklore of sea creatures and ancient navigators to the skilled artisans who command the ocean. Visitors to Kul Tiras encounter a society intricately stitched together by threads of honor, tradition and fierce determination.


A major power of the Alliance, Kul Tyr is an island kingdom in the Great Sea steeped in a rich maritime history. It is home to the Proudmoore Admiralty, a governing body with Jaina Proudmoore at the helm, a famous figure of unrivaled magical prowess. As a result, she boasted a powerful naval force that saw many battles and often led the charge against the fierce Horde.
The island is divided into three main regions, each with its own unique characteristics and population. A mountainous region surrounded by dense forests and full of spells, Drustvar is known for its hardy and stoic inhabitants. In contrast, the Stormsong Valley, rich in lush farmland, supplies the kingdom's robust fleet with industrious shipbuilders and sailors. Among them is Tiragarde Sound, a thriving economic center with the kingdom's capital Boralus.
During the recent war effort, Kul Tir was rife with treachery and internal strife. She has survived terrifying trials, from riots led by the evil Lady Ashwan to the menacing Drusta threatening their land. But the island kingdom is resilient and weathers stormy times, their unwavering spirit as strong as the sea they conquer. Kul Tir is more than an island of skilled sailors and fierce warriors. It is a test of endurance; it is a beacon of hope shining through the thick fog of war. It embodies the belief that when the waves are breaking hard and the wind is stronger, the ship must go forward.


The mighty sea kingdom of Kul Tir marks a lasting presence in the history of the World of Warcraft universe. The story spans many generations, filled with tales of bravery, treachery and resilience against the ever-present threats of the Great Sea.
The inhabitants of Kul Tiras, mostly descendants of seafaring clans, are characterized by a determined spirit and indomitable courage. Historical records show that Kul Tiras was founded by the famous navigator Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, who spread the sails of his fleet to create the strongest naval power in all of Azeroth.
Although a separate entity, the island kingdom swore allegiance to the Alliance during the Second War, enduring stormy tides and uncharted waters. However, the alliance ended tragically when Daelin ended in the Third War, forcing Kul Tiras into isolation.
The decisive defeat of the Burning Legion sent waves of catastrophe around the Broken Isles, revealing hidden realms such as Thros, the Blighted Lands, and the giant dam of Stormsong Valley. A period of internal turmoil ensued, with four houses vying for control of the island. By order of Lord Admiral Katherine Proudmoore, Daelin's rightful heir and daughter, order was carefully restored.
Along with House Stormsong, House Waycrest, and the outlaw group Irontide Raiders, the once-divided Kul Tir came together to defend their homeland against the forces of Queen Azshara and the ancient god N'Zoth. Today, rejoined by the Alliance, Kul Tir stands intact, its towering towers and uncharted waters holding the essence of its rich and eventful past, conveying a message of power and resilience to its enemies and allies alike. It is impossible to watch stormy tides or cross rugged coastlines without a great respect for seafaring heritage and the indomitable will of the people.


An archipelago steeped in maritime lore, Kul Tiras boasts a storied history on Azeroth. Once a proud member of the Alliance, Kul Tir prided itself on its military prowess and exploration under the wise leadership of Lord Admiral Deelin Proudmoore. However, after Proudmoore's tragic death during the Third War, the kingdom withdrew from the world and focused solely on protecting its vast coastlines from external and internal threats.
Over time, the once united seafaring kingdom split into its own composite houses: House Stormsong, House Whitecrest, House Proudmoore, each governed by its own rules, but united by a common heritage. In the heart of Kul Tiras, Tiragard Sound is abuzz with commercial activity, with Boralus as its capital; it is dominated by the ruling Proudmoores. Drustvar, below Waycrest Palace, is known for its mysterious folklore and harsh landscapes, while Stormsong Valley, under House Stormsong, dominates the supply of naval resources and builds the kingdom's legendary ships.
The current escalating war on Azeroth between the Horde and the Alliance has forced Kul Tiras out of isolation. Jaina Proudmoore, the daughter of the late Lord Admiral, began a reconciliation with the Alliance in order to find relief from the growing threats. Kul Tir now teeters on the brink of chaos, from witches to errant sea priests to errant sea monsters to treacherous pirates. The regions' unique fauna, flora, and cultures demand a compassionate, non-colonizing approach from the Champions of Azeroth as they seek to restore much-needed balance and union in these troubled times.