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Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

General Info

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link logo
GenresAction, Adventure
Game NameZelda II: The Adventure of Link
ComposersAkito Nakatsuka
LanguagesEnglish, Japanese
DevelopersNintendo R&D4
Directed ByTadashi Sugiyama
Release Date1987-01-14
Game PlatformsFamily Computer Disk System, Nintendo Entertainment System
Publisher NameNintendo
Country of OriginJapan
Publishers Websiteshttps://www.nintendo.com/
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is an RPG video game and direct sequel to the popular original, The Legend of Zelda. Players unfold in the vastly expanded realm of Hyrule, navigating a larger world map and several side-scrolling platforming levels. As Link, users embark on the painstaking task of awakening a sorceress named Zelda from her enchanted sleep. Zelda II uniquely combines elements of action and strategy gameplay and introduces RPG elements such as experience points and levels. This game also introduces the magical abilities of Link and the classic villains Iron Knuckle and Dark Link. Despite its departure from the original gameplay style, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link left its own legacy in the realm of iconic video games.


'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link' game screenshots
'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link' game screenshots
'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link' game screenshots
'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link' game screenshots
'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link' game screenshots
'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link' game screenshots


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is the historical sequel to the legendary original game, Legend of Zelda. First of all, it introduces bold side-scrolling elements and RPG-like mechanics that provide interesting twists on the classic Zelda formula. This game adds a unique depth to the Zelda experience with its intense side combat and multi-level dungeons.
Featuring innovative gameplay, Zelda II focuses on Link's search, guided by clues from the citizens, to find six mansions scattered across Hyrule, each containing the key needed to awaken Princess Zelda from her slumbering spell. In addition, this journey, accompanied by powers and spells, introduces the vast Hyrule, where non-player characters in many cities and towns share important information. The game's dynamic battle system adds to the excitement. This requires players to strategically use Link's shield and sword to counter enemy attacks from different directions. Despite its reputation as a difficult part of the franchise, the mix of real-time combat, RPG elements, exploration, and puzzle solving draws players into Link's world, making Zelda II: The Adventure of Link a great game within a game. video game stories. This influential title pushed the boundaries of the adventure genre, and its extensive RPG elements set new standards for subsequent Zelda games.



Zelda II: The Adventure of Link combines the traditional with the completely new. Unlike the original The Legend of Zelda, this sequel features side-scrolling platforming sequences interspersed with a top-down world map. To progress, players must explore the game's various landscapes, solve puzzles, and defeat enemies. The game introduces role-playing game (RPG) elements that were not present in its predecessors. Link gains experience points for his attack power, magical abilities, and overall health. Perhaps the most striking aspect of Zelda II is the addition of a magic system. Link gains several spells during his journey, such as a Shield spell that reduces damage or a Leap spell that allows him to gain extra air and make navigation easier. Magic becomes a strategic tool, forcing players to decide when it's best to keep or use their magic points.
Also unlike the first Zelda game, The Adventure of Link features cities. In these cities, Link can rest, gain information, learn spells and techniques, and take on quests from local citizens. Interaction with non-player characters (NPCs) becomes an integral part of the game, making it more engaging and challenging.
Combat is also a major aspect of gameplay in this immersive sequel. With his sword and shield, Link engages in challenging battles with monsters. Additionally, his ability to gain experience points and use them to improve his skills adds another layer of strategic depth, making the gameplay experience more dynamic.
Essentially, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link takes the original formula and innovates, adding depth and complexity to the gameplay while maintaining the sense of adventure and exploration that makes the Zelda franchise so enduring and beloved.

Gameplay video


In Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, the gameplay is different from its predecessor, The Legend of Zelda, and the complex storyline is woven into a hybrid of action, RPG and puzzle. Years later, we see a more mature Link, embodying courage and determination to once again save Hyrule.
The game introduces a new twist to the traditional Legend of Zelda storyline. The mysterious Impa, Princess Zelda's guardian, reveals a sealed door in northern Hyrule Castle to Link. Lying outside the door is Princess Zelda, not from the first game, but an ancestor lying in an enchanted sleep. This first princess, Zelda, was put to sleep by the curse of a wizard who was part of an evil plot to take over Hyrule.
Before dying, the wizard revealed that only the Triforce of Courage could awaken Zelda. However, the Triforce of Courage was hidden so that it would not fall into evil hands and only the future hero could find it. This hidden Triforce becomes the target of Link, who we believe is the heir to the Knights of Hyrule.
To achieve this, Link must travel across the land, fight hordes of dark creatures, and travel through cities and forests to gain strength and wisdom. Face challenging puzzles, powerful bosses and learn spells. Unusually for Link's adventures, he is trained in a variety of combat and magical skills to complete his mission.
As the story progresses, the eventual revelation that the titular friend Link's quest is two-fold: first, to find the Triforce, and second, to face his shadow guarding the Triforce in the Great Palace, is the crux of this adventure.
Link's journey ends with an epic encounter with his shadow, Dark Link. The ensuing battle tests Link's skills, requiring precise timing and clever maneuvering. Link emerges triumphant and regains his courage. Her power, combined with her pure heart, breaks Princess Zelda's spell, ultimately saving the day and restoring peace to Hyrule.
As such, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link presents a richer and more complex story with its twists and turns and engaging gameplay, greatly increasing the depth and complexity of the legendary Zelda series.


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, unlike its predecessor, has side-scrolling and RPG elements. its development is the result of game director Tadashi Sugiyama and game designer Yasuhisa Yamamura's decision to take a more experimental approach to create a unique gaming experience. The duo was motivated not only to replicate, but also to expand on the groundbreaking success of the first installment in the series, The Legend of Zelda.
The decision to introduce experience points was strongly motivated by the growing popularity of RPGs in the late 1980s. The developers wanted to ensure that Zelda II maintained its action-adventure roots by combining traditional RPG elements with real-time combat, creating an innovative approach to the RPG genre. Although arguable, the addition of the more elaborate storyline that defined Zelda II was also considered a major innovation at the time. Expanding from the simple storyline of the original, the game's enriched storyline demonstrated an attempt to add depth to the game's world and its characters.
Zelda II's art style changed to a distinctly different design and color scheme, reflecting the game's choice to stay more grounded in fantasy. It was conceived by the original manga artist Yuu Mishouzaki, who illustrated the Japanese cover and contributed greatly to the more imaginative aesthetic prevalent in Zelda II.
Despite the game's lukewarm reception and some controversial changes, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was a bold example of innovation in game development. Since then, this spirit of experimentation has become synonymous with the Zelda brand, even in its modern versions.


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link charts a unique path in the legendary Zelda series, incorporating action and RPG elements. in North America in 1988. released game explores the side-scrolling adventure format, adding depth and complexity to the gameplay. Following the success of the previous title, Zelda II maintains the thematic richness while enthralling audiences with new characters and a new gameplay structure.
The game takes place in the mystical land of Hyrule, with Link as the main character. In a departure from the top-down view of the first title, Zelda II introduced a unique horizontal perspective to the series. The game combines real-time combat and exploration into an exciting mix of arcade-style action and strategy. This combination of gameplay styles has provided intriguing twists and turns to provide a new and engaging experience for avid fans of the franchise.
Zelda II adds another layer of charm with its RPG elements, allowing players to slowly navigate their way through the levels. It features an experience point system that focuses on character development and improving gameplay depth. A magical system is introduced in this sequel and increases the difficulty of puzzle solving and combat. Despite initially mixed reviews, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link has stood the test of time and earned acclaim for its innovation and daring to deviate from the norm. A seminal chapter in the Zelda series, this game marks the continued evolution of one of the most beloved franchises in video game history and has an indelible impact on the genre.


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link received critical acclaim upon its initial release. Players praised the departure from the first episode with its side-scrolling and RPG elements. The game's difficulty, in stark contrast to its predecessor, was applauded by many for its challenging yet rewarding gameplay experience.
However, in recent years, opinions have become increasingly divergent. Some retrospective reviews criticized Zelda II for deviating too much from the first game's formula. The game's level system, while innovative at the time, has been described by some modern critics as boring and poorly implemented.
Nevertheless, Zelda II has a dedicated fan base that admires it for its daring originality. Despite mixed reviews, it definitely left an indelible mark on the franchise, with elements like the Magic Meter and the Dark Link character becoming staples of the series.
Today, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is considered a seminal classic that, while controversial, helped define what the Zelda series could be. It's a testament to the franchise's pioneering spirit, a bold departure that defied expectations and pushed the boundaries of what was possible in a Zelda game.

Cultural impact

The cultural impact of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was huge and marked a milestone in the development of the action-adventure genre. The side-scrolling format, unique to the Zelda series, was innovative and showed that the Zelda series could experiment with different gameplay styles. The game also introduced RPG elements, including an experience point system, a feature that would later become standard in many video games.
Zelda II's influence wasn't limited to game mechanics. Immersive storytelling laid the foundation for complex and rich storytelling in games. The game successfully intertwines mission-based objectives with an engaging storyline, driving players through a mix of action, mystery and exploration. The narrative depth of Zelda II led to a new understanding of the narrative potential of video games.
In addition to the gaming world, Zelda II also influenced pop culture in general. With memorable characters, a haunting soundtrack and exceptional dialogue ("I AM ERROR"), it inspired references to movies, TV shows and music, proving its cultural staying power.
More than thirty years after its release, Zelda II continues to be a benchmark for game developers and gamers alike, serving as the first beacon that points to the possibilities of open-world exploration, complex storytelling, and the combination of different game genres to create a unique game. game. gaming experience.