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Assassin's Creed Universe

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Instruments of the First Will

General Info

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Faction NameInstruments of the First Will
The Tools of the First Will are a secret group of individuals whose mission is to serve Isu, the forerunner of the Assassin's Creed universe. They work to prepare humanity for the eventual return of their rightful masters, following the teachings of Juno, a prominent member of the Isu. The faction is characterized by an unwavering, often silent but deadly loyalty and devotion that lurks in the shadows of history. While their actions often clash with those of the Templars and Assassins, their goals are diametrically opposed, focusing not on control or freedom, but on obedience to a higher authority. Their mysterious essence adds a deep layer of complexity to the game, constantly forcing players to choose between the paths of power, manipulation, and true freedom. Join the tools of the First Will and witness the unique lens of the great story of Assassin's Creed.


The instruments of the first will, belonging to the Assassin's Creed universe, originate from the cult-like worship of the Isu, a highly advanced civilization that preceded humanity. This faction strongly believes that humanity's ultimate purpose is to serve Isu, a testament to their false devotion.
The Tools display an unparalleled level of indoctrinated fanaticism and fight relentlessly for the revival of their Isu masters. They hide their true intentions behind a veil of altruism and promote a supposed new world order that is essentially a cover for absolute Isu hegemony. The group's seemingly assured promise of a utopian world is actually used to attract and influence sensitive minds. Members of the facilities, often secretly involved with other organizations, help their cause by secretly developing Isu programs. Skillful manipulation and deception and dedication to the cause make them a force to be reckoned with for others in the Assassin's Creed universe.
But despite their fervent devotion, The First Will's instruments show a disturbingly warped reverence, blurring the line between organic faith and absurdist fanaticism. The faction is thus a stark reminder of the potential tragedy that can occur if extreme interpretations of faith and slavery are left unchecked.


The Tools of the First Will, a mysterious group in the Assassin's Creed universe, have a history of mystery and intrigue. They have existed for thousands of years and emerged when the technologically advanced civilization known as the "First Civilization" or "Isu" was at its peak. This unique faction strongly believes in restoring the rule of Earth's first civilization.
Tools have a lasting effect on the timeline. These Loyalists were not officially recognized until modern times, when glimpses of their activities began to emerge. It was in the 21st century that tools began to play a more visible role in the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars.
During this time, the faction fervently recruited followers at the behest of Juno, one of the few surviving members of the Isu who sought to restore their race's rule over humanity. The tools' unwavering commitment to Juno guides their principles and goals as they strive to create a society that the extinct First Civilization sees as utopian.
Despite the resistance of the Assassins and Templars, the tools were able to use the technology of the First Civilization, constantly improving their purpose. The tools of Assassin's Creed Syndicate, created during the Industrial Revolution in London, were the first crucial step in implementing Juno's plan through Project Phoenix. They were trying to get Isu's DNA to help bring Juno back to physical form.
The history of the tools of the first will reveals its immense influence and wide-ranging ambition to shape the world. A large part of the faction's appeal is their unwavering dedication to a vanished civilization, pushing for their return despite many obstacles while playing within the larger environment of chaos and conflict in the Assassin's Creed universe.

Notable Members

Member #


The Tools of the First Will, an esoteric faction rooted in the mysterious Assassin's Creed universe, dot the contours of the world map. They advance the cause of the First Civilization and have infiltrated areas as diverse as the densely populated streets of American cities to the picturesque Aegean islands of ancient Greece.
They operate under a veil of secrecy and depict the different topographies of the areas they inhabit. Urban landscapes with a labyrinth of narrow alleys and high roofs testify to the mobility and discretion of the tools. Conversely, the terrain of the traditional Greek islands reflects the group's resilience and ability to adapt to various conditions. The diversity of the geography of their operational headquarters reflects the faction's global footprint. From the bustling metropolis of Manhattan to the sun-drenched deserts of Egypt, the faction's geography is as complex as the mysterious agenda they espouse. It paints a compelling panorama of the extreme lengths these enigmatic followers of ancient beings will go to ensure the rebirth of their deity.
This combination of different geographical elements not only expands the reach of the faction, but also increases the complexity of the series. From urban spaces to rugged terrain, the vibrant array epitomizes thrilling gear escapades, adding another layer of depth to Assassin's Creed's ever-evolving story.

Legacy and Impact

The tools of the first will, rooted in the complex history of Assassin's Creed, have left an indelible mark on the universe. They faithfully maintained a belief in the "nature of reality" created by Isu, influencing major historical events to fulfill their ancient prophecies. The faction's relentless efforts to revive Juno, an Isu scientist, have transformed the ongoing battle between the Assassins and the Templars to unprecedented severity and scale.
Their legacy is also seen in the complex relationship between humans and technology. The zealous worship of tools and dedication to advanced technology by the ancestors led to a dialogue about the deification of technology. Their intensity and ethereal charm resonates in every corner of the universe, changing the philosophical bent of history and pushing the limits of submission, providence and control.
The impact of tools on character development is enormous. They questionably challenge the boundaries of loyalty, prompting heroes and villains alike to rethink and adjust their motives. Their existence added depth and nuance to the universe, making Assassin's Creed's narrative landscape much richer and more complex.