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BERSERK Universe

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Tower of Rebirth

General Info

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Location NameTower of Rebirth
Deep in the darkest reaches of the BERSERK universe, the Tower of Rebirth is a chilling structure that echoes with whispers of despair and futility. This creepy fortress, sinking deep into the earth like a dirty dagger, is living proof of the power of darkness. The tower stands out in the bleak landscape and holds many lost souls locked away in its grisly dungeons. A structure of fear and despair serves to keep the condemned in the shadows, depriving them of all hope. In his labyrinth of despair, few have yet glimpsed the outside world. Every stone of the tower seems imbued with human suffering, and the anguished screams that reverberate through the cavernous space are a cruel reminder of its purpose. The Tower of Rebirth, despite its name, does not offer rebirth, only the continuation of the dark and hopeless existence of the souls trapped inside.


Deep in the treacherous heart of the Midland Kingdom, the Tower of Rebirth is a monstrous icon that represents the very essence of the BERSERK universe. This ominous structure has set in stone countless stories of betrayal, ambition and physical doom.
Wrapped in a cocoon of dread and palpable heaviness, it encompasses an ethereal prison, a metaphorical embodiment of the abyss that devours demon souls. The dilapidated building hides a labyrinth of complex emotions and brutal realities.
This monolithic behemoth is not only the physical manifestation of King Gaiseric's ambitions, but also the sacred ground where the infamous solar eclipse took place. It is here that the stamp of sacrifice is imprinted on the lives of those who have dared to fate.
In addition to its usual role of imprisonment, the Tower of Rebirth also serves a more metaphysical purpose. At its heart lies the idea of ​​evil, a cosmic entity that oversees the laws of causality and determines the fate of the characters in the Berserk universe.
From the eerie cellars to the eerie sayings emanating from the icy walls, every inch of the tower is marinated in a story of torture, transformation, and unbridled horror. As the name suggests, the tower is not only a stone and mortar structure, but also an important totem of rebirth through suffering and encountering darkness.


The Tower of Rebirth occupies a central place in the history of the BERSERK universe. This vast, dark tower in the Midlands was both a vault for the kingdom's prisoners and a haunting reminder of the city's turbulent years.
The impressive tower has a gruesome past. According to legend, the ambition of Emperor Gaiseric led to the creation of this monumental structure. His insatiable desire for power and desire for an earthly paradise materialized in the form of a great city. But this heavenly dream did not last. The city is said to have been destroyed by the Wrath of God in a massive catastrophe that sank the entire city underground, leaving only the monstrous Tower of Rebirth as a scar on the landscape.
Inside the tower, the darkest and most terrifying niches were reserved for King Genseric himself. No one knows what happened to him, but legend has it that angels descended on the city to pronounce their divine judgment. Gaiseric's ultimate fate is forever locked away, rooted deep within the tower's many cells. Griffith, leader of the Hawk Flock, has recently been imprisoned in a tower by order of the King of Midland. It was a cruel irony. A place that stood as a monument to one king's pride became another man's hideous prison of ambition. The Rebirth Tower is not only a symbol of a fallen city, but also a chilling reminder of the consequences of unbridled ambition. Its history carved in stone whispers tales of great leaders and serves as a stark warning to all men drawn by the heady lure of power.


The Tower of Rebirth, also known as the Tower of Persuasion, is an eerie and derelict structure that holds dire significance in the BERSERK saga. A menacing silhouette looms over the city of Albion, casting an ominous shadow over the doomed souls who dwell within its grim walls.
The ominous story behind the appearance of the tower comes from the legend of the ancient king Genserik. Gaiseric is said to have punished the sage by imprisoning him in an underground cell more than a millennium ago. According to legend, this act of cruelty was followed by a grotesque man-made disaster consisting of lightning and earthquakes. This catastrophe, shrouded in a rain of "angel's tears" believed to be divine punishment for Gaiseric's sinful reign, caused the city to be swallowed up by the earth and form the monstrous foundations of what became the Tower of Rebirth.
Considered a manifestation of every man, woman and child's subconscious nightmares, the tower carries an aura of malevolent resistance with a chilling reflection of social hierarchies. It symbolizes the idea that the greatest atrocities are often hidden in the greatest monuments erected by mankind, and that beneath them are usually the common masses.
At the base of this ominous building is a vast dungeon filled with cells rising to an incredible height. As the story unfolds, the Tower of Rebirth becomes a sacrificial altar for the tormented minions of the Hand of God, whose tormented existence epitomizes the evil that permeates the Tower's dark heart, an emblem of humanity's monstrous side.