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The Cobalt Soul

General Info

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Faction NameThe Cobalt Soul
Cobalt Soul holds a prominent Critical Role in the landscape of the universe, a repository of boundless knowledge and wisdom. Led by the goddess Ioun, this faction seeks truths to bring enlightenment to an otherwise dark world. Each student of this profound institution is trained in historical research, mutual understanding, and martial arts. They are designed to learn, retain and disseminate knowledge and play a vital role in maintaining balance. An order that was further diversified by the monks, an exclusive group of scientists known as "archivists", skilled not only in combat but also in extracting information from the minds of criminals. The cobalt soul then stands as a beacon of insight, bringing clarity through the veil of deception and ensuring that truth will prevail.


Cobalt Soul is a highly regarded faction in the fascinating Critical Role universe. Headquartered in the city of Zadash, this famous institution is staffed mainly by monks, who use their immense physical prowess and sharp intellect to combat the menacing forces of evil. Known for his strict adherence to the Code of Enlightenment, the Cobalt Soul serves as a beacon of knowledge in the turbulent environment of Exandria.
Recognized as bright "monks with cobalt souls", its members emphasize the importance of truth and define their mission as a "crusade against lies". They draw their strength from Erathis, the Law Bearer, and use an unconventional fighting style that allows them to exploit their enemy's vulnerabilities by harnessing their inner energy. Their holy monastery serves not only as a training ground, but also as a vast library filled with many historical documents, artifacts and treasures. He prides himself on being the heart of knowledge and invites scholars from across the kingdom of Dwendalia to discover the truths hidden within its labyrinths. It should be noted that Cobalt Soul also offers a comprehensive training program for young initiates, promising them a path to enlightenment.
This faction's impact is not limited to the battlefield. As the world faces an uncertain future, the Cobalt Soul Monks strive to maintain the harmonious balance of Exandria, offering their wisdom, guidance and strength in the face of impending danger. They are the keepers of truth, history and wisdom; a deep commitment that is summed up in their motto: "Knowledge is light in the darkness."


An important critical role universe faction, the Cobalt Soul is known for the vital role it plays in protecting knowledge and spreading truth. This venerable institution has its roots in the cradle of holy wisdom, the city of Wasselheim, known as the City of Dawn. From here, Cobalt's soul began its noble mission to collect and protect the world's wisdom, protecting it from the dark forces that threatened to extinguish it.
Beginning as a humble advisory council, Cobalt Soul's transformation into one of Exandria's leading intelligence services has been a journey built on perseverance and the pursuit of revealed truth. The council was led by Archivist Eadwulf Prucine, an elf of immense knowledge who, with eyes of truth and unwavering determination, led the council to its current destination. Advocating for intellectual freedom and advocating for the elucidation of hidden truths, the Cobalt Soul has extended its reach to various corners of Exandria over the centuries. Today, The Cobalt Soul claims unshakable outposts in major cities like Zadash and Rexcenter, where the Vaults of Knowledge thrive with texts, artifacts, and wisdom culled from every conceivable corner of existence.
Cobalt's soul's defining moment came during a disaster when the fabric of reality was threatened. Armed with knowledge, they played a vital role in guiding the mysterious and daring schemes that eventually helped form the Divine Gate. It is this resilience in the face of impending doom that continues to echo in the halls of their great libraries and training camps. However, the institution did not rest on its laurels. It constantly innovates, emphasizes due diligence and promotes fairness. Through his Order of Exhibitors, he continues to act as a vigilant vigilance against fraud and deceit, embodying his commitment to truth. The legacy of the Cobalt Soul transcends physical dimensions and reverberates from generation to generation as a vital voice of knowledge playing a critical role in the corners of the universe. Today, Cobalt's soul stands tall, a beacon of truth, knowledge and infinite wisdom.

Notable Members

Member #
Beauregard Lionett
Expositor Dairon
Archivist Zeenoth


Cobalt's soul resides mainly in the Wildemount continent, specifically in the Dvendalian Empire. Its headquarters are in Rexxentrum, which is the political heart of the empire. The location is strategic and allows for quick access to many resources and knowledge throughout the kingdom. Another important monastery is located in Zadaš, a bustling trading city that is a crossroads of culture and knowledge from all corners of the continent.
Cobalt Soul monasteries are architecturally distinguished by large open rooms filled with rows of written works and vast libraries containing a large collection of written works from various eras. The decor reflects a reverence for knowledge, with many symbols of Erathis, the goddess of civilization and invention. Monasteries are very important to the faction, serving as both a training ground and a research center. Its members are dedicated to learning, cataloging and spreading unbiased wisdom and truth throughout Exandria.
In addition to monasteries, agents of the Cobalt Soul can be found scattered throughout Wildemount, working from remote forest retreats to bustling city squares and endless quests for knowledge and understanding. Their reach extends beyond Wildemount, maintaining shrines to the Tal'Dorei and even a remote academy on the outskirts of Ank'Harel. Cobalt Soul's geographical distribution is a testament to its relentless pursuit of universal knowledge and truth.

Legacy and Impact

The Cobalt Soul left an indelible mark on the landscape of Exandria. Their vast knowledge and tenacious search for the truth played a vital role in major events on the continent. Acting as the public's eyes and ears, the faction consistently addresses threats to the well-being of ordinary people, often providing critical information at critical moments. Their rigorous training regimen resulted in the Sentinel Monks, who are revered throughout the known world.
One cannot talk about their legacy without mentioning the archives. The libraries maintained by Cobalt Soul are among the largest in existence and provide an invaluable resource for researchers and scholars. Although enigmatic, they maintained ties with various groups and factions, expanding their reach and influence. Their commitment to education, truth and justice is a beacon of hope in a sometimes chaotic world. Cobalt Soul's influence was subtle but permanent, and it earned a special place in the annals of Exandrian history.