Despicable Me 2
General Info
Event Name | Despicable Me 2 |
Despicable Me is a popular animated film franchise from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment. The heartwarming and hilarious series revolves around a supervillain named Gru, voiced by Steve Carell, who adopts three girls and begins to deviate from his evil ways. Although the movies revolve around Gru's adventures and transformation, much of their appeal lies in Gru's little yellow cylindrical minions. Providing comic relief, these unique characters, with their unique speech and hilarious antics, have since become a trademark of the franchise and even received spin-offs. Gru's rivals, including the childish but dangerous Vector and the abusive Balthazar Bratt, face constant challenges, making the Despicable Me universe an exciting mix of danger, fun and an engaging unconventional family story.