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Grey Wardens

General Info

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Faction NameGrey Wardens
The Gray Wardens are an ancient order from the Dragon Age universe, determined to stop the Scourge's relentless onslaught. As warriors on the front lines against the monstrous and tainted forces of the darkfish, these champions, regardless of race or origin, carry the heavy mantle of defenders throughout Teds. Their unique rituals give them intimate knowledge of their enemy, albeit at a high cost. With their lives cut short and haunted by nightmares, the Wardens muster courage, sacrifice, and grim determination to save their world from the Scourge's recurring nightmare. Although the world often regards them with fear and suspicion, the Guardians steadfastly fulfill their dark and dangerous duty of silence, unwittingly watching over a world on the brink of destruction.


The Gray Wardens of Theda are appointed guardians against a terrible scourge in the Dragon Age universe. Skilled warriors and sorcerers dedicated to protecting humanity from a terrifying darkness, the existence of the Gray Wardens certainly transcends political and cultural boundaries.
Founded during the fabled First Plague, the Gray Wardens are often seen as heroes who fight the invading hordes to ensure the survival of all of Thedas. Their traumatic initiation, known as the Joining, binds them to a horde of dark customs. This ritual grants them the unique ability to sense beings, but at a terrible price: their lives slowly fade away, eventually leading them to the deep bottomless streets to participate in a final battle, an event known as the summoning. However, their glorious reputation has been somewhat tarnished over the centuries. Their intense focus on the scourge and the dark sometimes calls for harsh and merciless decisions. These actions often lead to public distrust and contempt. But no matter what moods befall them, the Gray Guardians remain determined. Their mantra: "Victory in war." In peace, vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice elegantly embodies the solemn and unwavering commitment they make to their role: to be the shield that protects the human realm at all costs.


An order steeped in heroism and self-sacrifice, the Gray Wardens have a great history intertwined with Theda's fate. Originally created after the First Extinction to combat the continuing threat of archdemons and their dark dispossessed hordes, the Wardens have always been willing to pay the enormous cost of their duties.
The Order was founded by a humble group known as "The Eight" in the ancient Tevinter Empire, consisting of four women and four men who bravely led the charge against the mighty Dumat, the First Archdemon, who ended the First Annihilation. After their triumph, the Lords became popular in Theda and sowed the seeds of the Order's expansion. However, their harsh methods caused controversy and led to their expulsion from several kingdoms, including Ferelden and Orlais. In the darkest hour of the Fourth Destruction, the Gray Wardens recovered under the leadership of Garahel, an elf who defeated the fourth archdemon Andoral. This victory cemented the Guardians' vital role in Teda's survival.
Then came the Fifth Blow, perhaps the most famous event involving the keepers. A new, inexperienced Guardian ended Urthemiel's reign of terror and restored the Guardians' reputation in Ferelden. But victory did not rid them of their differences, as can be seen in the events of Kirkwall in the Age of Dragons. Despite controversy and hardship, the Gray Wardens remain the first line of defense against the Blight. Their mantra "Victory in war. Vigilance in peace. Sacrifice in death" constantly guides them through uncertainty. Their story is always full of hope, courage and determination. The Gray Wardens are Teda's stern guardians, determined to face the darkness that others cannot.

Notable Members

Member #
Loghain Mac Tir
King Maric Theirin
Kell ap Morgan
Blackwall/Thom Rainier
Carver/Bethany Hawke


The Gray Wardens are widely scattered across the continents of Thedas, each with its own unique geographical features. The Antivan unit is located on steep, vibrant hills that are beaten down by the relentless sun and salty sea air. The arid desert region of Nevara is home to a diverse group that prepares for sandstorms and shelters in the cold shelter of the night. A stark contrast can be seen between dense forests and snowy mountains in Orlais, where lush greenery can quickly turn into frozen tundra. The twin chapters in Ferelden and the Free Marches are suitable for the swamps and highlands respectively, showing the resilience of the Gray Guardians. Their main fortress, Weisshaupt, in desolate Anderfels, stands as a beacon of their eternal vigil. This geography is a testament not only to their ability to adapt, but also to their dedication to dealing with the scourge from every corner of Theda.

Legacy and Impact

The Gray Wardens' heritage dates back to the First Plague, indicating their unwavering purpose and devotion throughout the centuries. Their ability to defeat the archdemons and stop the Scourge greatly shaped Ted, saving countless lives and preventing widespread destruction. Although met with suspicion and scorn at times, the keepers maintain an unbroken thread of courage and self-sacrifice woven into the fabric of Theda's story. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the Gray Wardens is their dedication to their grim task, regardless of the personal cost. They accept the inevitable sacrifice that symbolizes selfless heroism. Their doctrine: "Victory in war. Vigilance in peace. Sacrifice in death," embraces their spirit. The Gray Wardens, despite their controversial methods, made Ted like few other institutions or factions, marking them as pivotal figures in the history of the Dragon Age universe.