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Genshin Impact Universe

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Abyss Order

General Info

Abyss Order logo
Faction NameAbyss Order
The Order of the Abyss is a mysterious and powerful faction in the Genshin Impact universe. Comprised of terrifying creatures, the lesser and greater creatures of the abyss, they are known for their relentless pursuit of chaos and disorder. These creatures are not from any known civilization on the Teyvat continent. The cornerstone of their existence revolves around their opposition to the Seven, the ruling gods of Teyvat. Their motives, shrouded in mystery, resonate with the destructive nature of their practice. At the head of this faction is an enigmatic figure known as "The Prince," whose unparalleled strength heightens the threat. The menacing presence, fierce battles, and secret motivations of the Abyssal Order add an exciting complexity to the story of the Genshin Strike universe.


The Order of the Abyss is a secret force shrouded in mystery and mystery in the city of Teyvat, a place of magic and history in the Genshin Impact universe. This peculiar faction is mainly made up of monsters that live in the Abyss, separate from the seven nations ruled by the gods of the seven elements.
Known for their evil intentions and relentless pursuit of chaos, the Order of the Abyss is at odds with the rest of Teyvat. Periodically engaging in conflict with the Traveler and Paimon, they attempt to untangle the Labyrinth Warriors scattered across the Seven Nations.
At the helm of the Order stands their crown prince, uniquely named the "Twelfth of the Envoys," a man who bears an uncanny resemblance to the Traveler's long-lost brother. The Abyssal Order's primary mission is to instigate the downfall of Celestia and normal civilization, viewing them as an oppressive force perpetuating an unjust balance of power.
Abyssal order monsters are peculiar creatures born from the dark energy of the subspace and take surprising forms from degraded versions of normal hilichurls. Dominion of the Abyss feeds them with an insatiable thirst for destruction, making them formidable opponents.
In the ethereal universe of Genshin Impact, the Abyssal Order's radical ideologies and constant struggle with the established order make them an intriguing and ever-emerging threat. Their twisted ambitions and relentless pursuit of mayhem create an exciting story that constantly invites explorers into the enchanting depths of the abyss.


The Order of the Abyss, a mysterious faction of the Genshin Strike universe, is shrouded in mystery intertwined with the history of Teywat. The Order operates from the shadows, with origins as dark as the abyss they pay homage to.
The first traces of the existence of the Abyssal Order are found in mysterious documents before the cataclysm. These whispers appeared in the newly formed Seven Nations, referring to a secret group that greatly despised Celestia and the princes associated with her.
Following a unique philosophy, the Order of the Abyss believes in the freedom of mankind from the influence of the gods. No wonder they believe that the deities and the Chosen Ones were selfish beings who sought to maintain their dominion over Teyvat, using humanity only as tools.
The Order of the Abyss is believed to have played a shadowy role in many historical events, including the fall of Khaenri'ah. Known as a prosperous nation that neither worshiped nor protected gods, Khaenri'ah once thrived on the assumption of human intelligence and freedom. But Khaenri'ah's descent into destruction is a stark reminder of the inevitable conflict between humans and gods.
The Order of the Abyss is ruled by the Twelve Heralds, each with a codename synonymous with Abyssal Demon. Their mysterious leader, The Princess, was the first summoner, and her true identity remains a mystery even to her own order. Known for his incredible powers, the Harbinger has the power to wage war against the Seven Nations.
Despite being seen as enemies, it cannot be denied that the Order of the Abyss significantly shaped the history of Teyvat. Their actions continue to challenge the balance of power and lead to dramatic changes that change this world. As they tirelessly climb out of the darkness they inhabit, the Order of the Abyss remains an enigmatic and integral part of Genshin Impact's story.

Notable Members

Member #
Abyss Herald
Abyss Lectors
Abyss Mages
Twelfth Harbinger - Tartaglia
Princess of the Vertrag - La Signora
Unseen Razor
Dance of Sacrifice


The Order of the Abyss, a mysterious faction of the Genshin Impact universe, is integral to the geography and underworld of Teyvat. They emerge from the deepest trenches of the Spiral Abyss, a terrible and isolated realm cut off from the rest of the world. The Spiral Abyss is located in the Musk Reef and floats in the boundless ocean between Mondstadt and Liyue. This monstrous realm is a reflection of a twisted world where time and space merge and intertwine.
Each layer of the Spiral Abyss carries someone further into a chaos filled with hostile creatures, one more powerful than the last. Hailing from these depths, the Abyssal Order is often associated with darkness and destruction, a far departure from the seven elements worshiped in major civilizations.
Despite the hostile environment, members of the Abyssal Order navigate the dangerous layers with ease, revealing a deep connection to the geography of the Abyss. The labyrinthine geography of the Spiral Abyss plays an important role in their strategies, and they use the environment to gain crucial advantages in battle. The dark depths of the Abyss and its inherent chaos perfectly demonstrate the Abyssal Order's intent to destabilize the existing order of Teyvat.

Legacy and Impact

Hailing from the depths of the desert Genshin Strike universe, the Order of the Abyss marked their legacy as a formidable faction. The members, supporters of the lost kingdom of Khaenri'ah, suffered an irrevocable fall that dramatically transformed them into the menacing creatures they are today and greatly increased the narrative tension throughout the game. Their continued pursuit of the 'prince', the Traveler, has greatly increased the stakes and urgency. Abyss Mages, the massive Abyss Herald, and Lectors added challenging challenges, increasing the complexity of the game's combat. In addition, their existence highlighted the tragic background of the fallen kingdom, instilled fear and sympathy in the players, which greatly affected the overall emotional depth of the game. Their motto "the world must end for a new one to begin" is a testament to their conviction and desperation, a powerful testament to their terrifying and unforgettable legacy in the Genshin Impact universe.