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Metal Gear Universe

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Shadow Moses Incident

General Info

Shadow Moses Incident logo
Event NameShadow Moses Incident
The Shadow Moses Incident marks a major turning point in the Metal Gear universe. This incident happened in 2005. and during it, FOXHOUND, an elite special force, launched an armed rebellion against the US government on Shadow Moses Island. Led by Liquid Snake, their demands involved the remains of Big Boss, stemming from the need to cure their genetic diseases. Solid Snake, a former member of FOXHOUND and clone of Big Boss, is called to retreat to neutralize the threat. Dubbed Operation Intrude F014, her mission involves an adventurous journey involving high-level assassinations, covert tactics and nerve-wracking confrontations. The incident reveals a Pandora's box of conspiracy, deceit and genetic engineering that reveals the enormous cost of war to humanity.


The Metal Gear universe is a fictional universe created by Hideo Kojima and developed and published by Konami. Set in a parallel world to our own, the main storyline focuses on the constant battle between nations and private forces using Metal Gear mechs and AI weapons for global supremacy.

The games take place in different eras, from the Cold War to the near future, and feature a combination of stealth combat and complex storytelling. The series takes a unique approach to the concepts of nuclear deterrence, cybernetics, artificial intelligence and the confusing morality of war.

The series also explores complex themes such as the struggle for human freedom, government corruption, and the aftermath of war. Notable characters include Solid Snake, Big Boss, and Raiden, each with their own unique storylines and roles throughout the story.