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The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion

General Info

The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion logo
AuthorGerard Way
GenresSuperhero fiction
Book NameThe Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion
PublisherDark Horse Comics
Release Date2018-10-03
Number of Pages216
Original TitleThe Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion
Country of OriginUnited States
Publisher Website URLhttps://www.darkhorse.com/
The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion takes readers on a whirlwind story full of adrenaline and suspense. A fun-loving and estranged band of supernatural brothers are thrown into yet another set of tumultuous challenges. This time they discover an epic secret lurking in the shadows of their past. The Oblivion Hotel, a special building that was a secret prison for defeated villains, has suddenly disappeared. The mysterious Dr. Terminal, one of the most feared prisoners, leads a massive escape. Now our heroes must control the chaos and face their own emotional demons. Darkness, drama and daring high-octane action fill the pages of this spellbinding edition!


Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion offers an extraordinary immersion into an intriguing universe where superheroes are eerily ordinary and the ordinary often turns strange. The stakes are upped in this third installment as Gerard Way ventures into uncharted territory, a must-read for fans.
Our darlings from The Umbrella Academy face a new dilemma with the arrival of an interstellar hotel called Oblivion. Among the residents are some of the worst enemies the team has ever fought and have been put behind bars. A mysterious figure running the hotel is blackmailing The Umbrella Academy into a seemingly inevitable fate.
As the story progresses, readers will see a gradual unraveling of each character's complexities. Some struggle with their inner demons and grapple with their pasts, while others are stunned by the revelations of shocking family secrets. Way explores their struggle, harmony, discord and unity, painting a complex picture of a troubled but resilient family.
In Way's signature style, Gabriel Bá's stunning artwork brings this chaotic world to life. His vivid artistry gives the story an unforgettable vibrancy, making every page visual. Expect the unexpected on this fast-paced, jaw-dropping journey that's both existential and surreal. If you thought the Umbrella Academy saga couldn't get any more twisted, Hotel Oblivion is here to challenge that assumption.


In The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion, writer Gerard Way and artist Gabriel Ba take us on an exciting journey that expands the literary universe we thought we knew. The story comes to life after the harrowing events of "Dallas" when the Hargreeves brothers are once again in limbo. The eerie calm does little to lessen the storm raging in the background.
After the death of Sir Reginald Hargreeves, they are entangled in a newly woven web of chaos that shocks the Oblivion Hotel, a secret prison set up to incarcerate the world's most dangerous villains. All these villains find themselves trapped, removed from time and space as we know it. However, as is the nature of evil, he finds a way to break through the hotel's fortified walls and reintegrate into society with a desire for revenge.
The estranged brothers, fighting their own personal battles and scattered in different corners, unknowingly find themselves on a collision course with these disgruntled enemies. The past meets the future like never before, all leading back to her father and his legacy of secrets.
The third installment in the Umbrella Academy series embraces the sobering reality of family bonds, the never-ending quest for identity and acceptance, the nuances of loyalty and the inevitable hint of betrayal. He relentlessly pulls at all the strings of suspense and intrigue, and the build-up of tension culminates in a thrilling showdown that promises nothing but a rollercoaster ride at every turn of the page. Hotel Oblivion invites readers into a maze of precarious situations and startling revelations, raising the standard of the series and cementing it firmly in the hearts and minds of viewers. The surreal mix of action, drama, suspense and gothic glamor has us hooked, longing for more of the chaotic harmony that Umbrella Academy never manages to provide.


Hotel Oblivion, the third installment in the cult Umbrella Academy series, takes readers into a maze of surprises and intrigue, further unraveling the intricacies of the Hargreeves family. As the story unfolds, Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá maintain an unsettling ability to combine macabre elements with black humor, teenage angst and the complexity of sibling relationships, all sprinkled with just the right amount of absurdity.
Conceptual maturity is evident in this volume as the authors weave the story with a higher degree of characterization. Each character is fleshed out against the backdrop of a strange and heartbreaking personal journey, driving the reader's emotional investment in the dysfunctional superhero family.
The development of the Hargreeves brothers as they deepen their superhero abilities while dealing with emotional turmoil and trauma is the book's core. Their personal journey combined with the central theme of "growing up amidst chaos" creates a sense of connection in an otherwise absurd universe.
Hotel of Shadows is a metaphorical reminder of the characters' past sins. It is this macabre abode that perfectly connects their disparate stories and paves the way for the inevitable family reunion and confrontation with their worst nightmares. The imaginative use of this gothic setting adds a lot of depth and a visually appealing aesthetic to the story.
All in all, Hotel Oblivion is all about caring about characters in the middle of a grand universe. Its strengths lie in the ability of the authors to combine moments of intense action with an introspective and emotional narrative that reveals the sincere humanity that lies beneath the grandeur of superhero eccentricity.


Packed with sharp social commentary, unprecedented character development and stunning artwork, The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion is a testament to great storytelling. The book delves into the lives of seven extraordinary brothers, exploring the consequences of their unique abilities as they face terrifying nightmares from their past.
The story continues after the tumultuous events of the previous series, where these gifted individuals must face the consequences of their actions, which ultimately lead to the mysterious and ominous Hotel Oblivion. Created by their eccentric adoptive father, Sir Reginald Hargreeves, this place is home to many threats that could disturb the peace on Earth.
Creators Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá reveal a compelling story that draws readers in with a mix of compelling suspense and sharp humor. Seamlessly incorporating heart-wrenching family dynamics into superhero characters, they've created a world that feels familiar but has a few surprises.
And the charming artwork syncs up with the writing, bringing the characters and their whimsical world to life. Bá's drawings are vibrant and expressive, taking us on a visual journey as twisty and compelling as the plot. The colors pop off the page and captivate your senses, making it a completely immersive experience.
Hotel Oblivion is a welcome addition to the Umbrella Academy series, offering a broader perspective on the characters' struggles and their attempts to navigate uncharted waters. This book is a must-read for any comic book fan who enjoys an intriguing story, well-developed characters, and stunning illustrations.


The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion debuted in 2018. October 3 as the third series of the original Umbrella Academy comics. The release announcement was highly anticipated by fans who had been eagerly awaiting the series' nearly decade-long hiatus. In a departure from the sequential numbering system used in the previous installments, this third series contains seven issues detailing the story of the seven Hargreeves brothers.
Written by Gerard Way and beautifully illustrated by Gabriel Bá, this series is a great testament to the vision they brought to life. Their character development has been phenomenal, proving once again that they are a great team in the comic book world. This book follows an exciting turn of events, focusing on the consequences of their decision to separate and go their separate ways. Way and bá have created an intriguing story that brings the characters together in an exciting twist against a chilling new villain.
The comic was originally published by Dark Horse Comics and is now available digitally. Hotel Oblivion has received many positive reviews for its dynamic storylines, engaging characters and stunning artwork. Fans of the series will be engrossed in the creative evolution seen in this installment. As the world of Umbrella Academy continues to expand, Hotel Oblivion is the perfect gateway to delve into the ins and outs of these powerful and dysfunctional heroes. Whether you're a longtime fan or just discovering The Umbrella Academy, don't miss this episode.


Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion received critical acclaim and critical acclaim. As a follow-up to the original series, readers enjoyed bold storytelling and unexpected twists. However, some fans felt that the rhythm was messed up by some of the new characters.
The book ambitiously explores the themes of justice and redemption in a deeply philosophical and compelling way. The artwork was also critically acclaimed, with critics praising it for its excellent resonance with the dark but intriguing story, enhancing the surreal atmosphere. Despite some criticism, the series manages to maintain its unique brand of eccentricity and absurdity that has captivated audiences since its inception. The writing effectively balances the emotional weight of the characters' personal struggles with the strange cosmic issues they must contend with.
In short, The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion definitely continued in the tradition of its predecessors, providing fans and critics alike with a richly unpredictable story filled with anti-heroes and metaphysical puzzles.

Cultural impact

"The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion has definitely made its mark on pop culture by defying the stereotypical perception of superhero stories. While the Umbrella Academy comic book series was influential in its own right, Hotel Oblivion is heavily influenced by its vivid storytelling and dynamic characters.
Above all, Hotel Oblivion revolutionized the understanding of the superhero genre by blurring the lines between heroes and villains. Every character in Umbrella Academy has flaws and complex traits, which is very different from the traditional black and white perception of heroism. This portrayal of morally gray characters resonates with modern audiences who can relate to their struggles and see themselves reflected in their imperfections. Additionally, Hotel Oblivion has made great strides in promoting diversity and inclusion. Featuring heroes of various races and sexual orientations, the book challenges the homogenous image of superheroes and ensures representation for all. It effectively reflected real-world demographics, increasing their reach and impact.
Hotel Oblivion's visual aesthetic also ignited a unique trend in the comic book world. Inspired by gothic undertones and a rich color palette, the artwork has inspired many artists and comic creators. Her style has now become synonymous with the Glam-Goth trend in pop culture.
Finally, the book's existential narrative has sparked debate that transcends the realm of comics. Whether it's about the question of individual identity, the range of human emotions, or the complexities of family relationships, Hotel Oblivion encourages its readers to explore and delve into introspective themes.
The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion not only entertained readers, but also had a major cultural impact. He reinvented the superhero genre, encouraging representation, influencing visual art and sparking philosophical conversations, making it a cultural milestone in the world of comics.