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World of Warcraft Universe

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General Info

Draenor logo
Area/RegionGreat Dark Beyond
Location NameDraenor
Alternate NameOutland
Also known as the Red World, Draenor is a wonderful and unique realm filled with primal magic and home to many different species. It is the wild world of the orc clans and the birthplace of the draenei. The terrain is a dramatic contrast between calm skyscapes, vast mushroom forests and bone-strewn wastelands. Draenor, the center of several powerful lineages, is of immense strategic importance to both the Alliance and the Horde. But he's also the target of the nefarious Iron Horde, who seek to harness his magical power. Visitors are advised to tread lightly and exercise caution. Despite its brutal history and treacherous lands, Draenor endures, a testament to the resilience and tenacity of its inhabitants.


In the World of Warcraft universe, Draenor is one of the most attractive and vibrant places. Once known as Argus, this great planet is the ancestral home of the orc race and the birthplace of the warlord Garrosh Hellscream.
First created in the story of The Burning Crusade and Warlords of Draenor expansions, this broken world has a rich history and a unique landscape. Draenor is an empire destroyed by a cataclysmic explosion caused by the sorcerer Ner'zhul. It is now a number of different landmasses drifting through the Twisting Nether, collectively known as the Outland. Draenor is a diverse world, full of diverse ecosystems, each quietly telling stories of glory and despair. From the lush jungles of Tanaan to the tranquil plains of Nagrand and the ghostly vistas of Shadowmoon Valley, each zone offers an unparalleled gaming experience.
The population of Draenor is as diverse as the landscape, with everything from the noble orcs and spirit clans of the draenei to the orcs, arakkoa, and the mighty Gron. These fascinating races, each with their own unique culture, add to the depth and appeal of Draenor.
Embark on a journey to Draenor, a land of hidden treasures, formidable enemies, and legendary heroes. Step into the past to change the future and carve your own story in the stones of this ancient world.


Draenor, known to many as the Red World, has a rich history dating back to the creation of the Titans. The lush and vibrant land was originally home to many different species, but is perhaps best known as the birthplace of the orcs. Despite their initially peaceful coexistence, the citizens of Draenor would find themselves at the center of an interdimensional conflict.
Before the arrival of the infamous Burning Legion, Draenor was relatively peaceful. Fierce orc clans lived in harmony with the mystical draenei. The draenei, skilled magic users, lived in elaborate cities that floated above the earth, while the orcs, who were closer to nature, lived in small tribal communities scattered across the planet. This attempt at peace was thwarted by the arrival of the Burning Legion, led by the evil Kil'jaeden.
Kil'jaeden took advantage of the orcs' inner turmoil and lust for power and confronted the draenei. As a result, the draenei and orc blood pact with the Burning Legion was nearly destroyed. Enslaved by their new demonic masters, the orcs ravaged Draenor, leaving it a wasteland. But what truly ruined Draenor was the opening of the dark portal that connected it to Azeroth. The ambitious orc shaman Ner'zhul recklessly opened several portals to other worlds, causing Draenor to crumble under astral stress, leading to the destruction of the planet. The remaining pieces of the once prosperous world became known as Outland, floating in the Great Darkness beyond.
Today, Draenor exists as it once did, only in an alternate timeline where the adventurers of Azeroth successfully stopped the Burning Legion's influence over the orcs. Witnessing the triumphs and failures of its inhabitants, this version of Draenor reflects a tragic history marked by noble strife and bloodshed.


Draenor, the ancestral home of the orcs and refuge for the draenei, is a world in twilight, ravaged by fel magic that has led to its current impending doom. But it wasn't always like that. It was once a vibrant planet filled with a diverse collection of species, cultures and a vibrant ecosystem.
Glistening forests with giant mushrooms, steep mountains, and vast plains defined the majestic landscapes of Draenor. The region was divided into several areas, each of which contained orc clans who practiced shamanism and lived according to the traditions of their ancestors. The continent was also home to a great draenei civilization with elaborate architecture and advanced magical abilities.
But the quiet peace of Draenor was shattered when the demonic Burning Legion entered the planet. With promises of power, orcs have been manipulated into wielding deadly magic. Consuming the life around them, fueling their war against the draenei and ultimately leading to the path to Azeroth.
As the Fel's magic spread like wildfire, Draenor began to decay, turning from a glittering gem of life into a broken and dying entity. His future is a melancholic Outland, a terrifying reminder of the cost of unchecked power and ambition. One that echoes throughout the multiverse, echoes from World of Warcraft.