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Location NameKhanduras
Khandur is a kingdom in the western sanctuary. This place is steeped in history and history, having been ruled by the Horadrim over two centuries ago. From towering mountain ranges to deep, dark caverns, unimaginable dangers lurk in Chandur, including monsters of all kinds. Tristram, the main city, was the epicenter of Diablo's awakening. In the recent past, the kingdom was ravaged by the menacing forces of the Burning Hells. Monstrous creatures roam free, turning a once prosperous kingdom into a wasteland and a kingdom full of fear. Despite its dire state, brave adventurers travel to Khandur, drawn by tales of immeasurable treasure hidden in the chaos. It is a place where heroes are tested and legends are born.


Khandur is one of the main locations in the fascinating history of the Diablo universe. Khandur, the central region of Sanctuary, is known for its rich history and is the setting of Tristram, the unforgettable horror saga of Diablo.
Shrouded in an aura of mysticism and ominous darkness, Chandur lures adventurers with its mesmerizing landscapes of lush forests and towering mountain ranges. But the real charm lies beneath the veneer of natural beauty: Diablo's Lair, Tristram's Cathedral.
An iconic landmark, the center where the mortal realm meets the Burning Hells, the Cathedral is a labyrinth full of unfathomable dangers. Beneath the crumbling walls and holy reliquaries lurks Diablo, the lord of terror, dreaming of destruction and corruption.
The restless inhabitants of Tristram give Khanduras a rustic charm. Fearful of the dark forces lurking beneath their land, they bear witness to humanity's resilience and indomitable spirit in the face of pure evil.
No story of Khandur is complete without mentioning the Horadrim, the ancient guardians of the sanctuary. Their presence laid the groundwork for Khanduras, making him an important crossroads in Sanctuary's fight against the main baddies. From humble villages to a towering cathedral, Khandur is a land of contradictions, a beacon of hope and an abyss of horror, making it an unforgettable chapter in the Diablo universe.


Khandur is a land of inherent beauty and persistent, menacing currents of diabolical menace. Surrounded by lush forests, pristine rivers and majestic mountain ranges, Khandur has traditionally been a place of peace and tranquility. But it's fascinating in its quiet beauty, as well as chilling in its enduring connection to the diabolical events bubbling beneath the surface of this serene land.
Early accounts show Khandur as a prosperous and prosperous land, full of bustling cities, cultivated land, and functioning trade routes. The riches of the land excited the admiration of the surrounding regions, and Chandur prospered under a zealous and benevolent ruler. But the story warns of the falling shadows that will destroy the joyful tales of Khanduras. The arrival of Archbishop Lazarus set in motion a series of incredible and terrifying events that would forever change the fate of the earth. Attracted by Lazarus, King Leoric moved his court to Tristram and decided to build a monumental building there - Tristram Cathedral.
Unbeknownst to anyone, beneath the cathedral lie the ancient catacombs of a defunct religious order that now serve as a gateway to the depths of hell. Leoric, under the influence of the crippling Diablo through Lazarus, became insane, and his reign of terror plunged Khanduras into an age of fear and despair. Even after Leoric's tragic fall, Khandur remains scarred by the diabolical touch of the Dreadlord Diablo: its once prosperous lands are now barren and full of foreboding, the people living in fear of what lurks in the shadows. While Chandur's history may be shrouded in darkness, its resilient inhabitants hold on to hope, a beacon of light against the encroaching darkness that threatens to one day destroy them. The fervor for a brighter and more peaceful future continues to fuel the hearts of the people of Chandur, even in the face of terrible adversity.


Khandur, the Realm of Despair, came from a time when darkness competed with light. The region is characterized by barren cliffs, narrow ravines and a vast crumbling desert that speaks of a cool past. The essence of Chandur is the city of Tristram, famous for its cathedral of evil, which emitted the essence of the First Evil, Diablo.
Khandurs history is deeply intertwined with Diablo. The first evil was trapped in the soul stone of Archangel Tyrael and Horadrim and buried deep within the cathedral. Over time, soul stones were forgotten and the existence of demons was dismissed as mere folklore.
Decades later, King Leoric, deceived by his advisor Lazarus, decided to establish his monarchy in Tristram, unaware of the unholy essence that lay beneath. Diablo, taking advantage of Leoric's desperation, possessed him and spread terror across Chandur. The kingdom was plunged into madness and sanctity was mistaken for torture, turning Khanduras into a slaughterhouse.
Despite Leoric's imminent death, Diablo's reign of terror continued when he possessed Leoric's youngest son, Prince Albrecht. The adventurers traveled through the shrine to Khanduras to kill Diablo, leaving Tristram in ruins. This tragedy has left an eternal scar on Khandur.
After High Heaven's victory in the Eternal Struggle, Khandur sought to unify his devastation and purge the haunting memories of Diablo's tyranny. Despite its traumatic history, the kingdom retains a glimmer of hope and an undying will to thrive in the face of adversity.
Today, Khandur paints a grim picture of a kingdom still reeling from its disastrous past. While the land represents Diablo's brutal misdeeds, it is a symbol of resilience and resilience and tells the story of a kingdom that refused to surrender even in the face of demonic oppression. Despite his scars, Khandur remains steadfast in his hope for better days ahead.